
  • 网络Zhang Wenbin;Wen-Bing Zhang
  1. 张文斌说,“作为一个人,范美忠也有生存需要”。

    " Fan , as a person , also needs to live ," Zhang said .

  2. 但是,张文斌表示,学校聘用范美忠是因为他丰富的教学经验和才华。

    Zhang said , however , that Fan had been hired for his extensive teaching experience and talent .

  3. 周三,海淀区开华教育学校新闻发言人张文斌对新华社表示,范美忠已与该校签订了两年的合同。

    Fan Meizhong has a two-year contract with Keyfind Education School in the Haidian District , school spokesman Zhang Wenbin told Xinhua on Wednesday .

  4. 张文斌说,本来,周日有一场讲座。但是,范美忠新工作的消息传出后,媒体都指责该校是为了宣传炒作,结果讲座被取消。

    A lecture was planned for Sunday , but after word of Fan 's new job got out , with the media accusing the school of using the teacher for publicity , the lecture was cancelled , Zhang said .