
fēn jí qì
  • classifier
  1. 离心式细粉分级器的设计及工业应用

    Designing method for the particle centrifugal classifier and its commercial application

  2. 旋转闪蒸干燥机分级器半径、鼓风量及引风量的最佳匹配

    The Analysis of the Best Match on the Radius of Classifier , Blasting Capacity and Induced Draft Capacity is Spin Flash Dryer

  3. 采用相似准数&斯托克斯数Stk来研究旋风分级器的分级性能,可以减少旋风分级器的实验研究的工作量。

    Use similarity number & stokes number to study the classification capacity of cyclones can reduce the amount of the work for the experiments .

  4. 冲击式气溶胶微粒采样分级器&(Ⅱ)流体流场的实验与理论研究

    Impactor (ⅱ) Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Flow Field

  5. 中药粉碎设备中气流分级器的研究

    Study on the Airflow Classifier in Comminution Equipment of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  6. 转鼓式细粉分级器的分级性能及其计算模型

    Calculation model for the classifying performance of rotary drum fine powder air classifier

  7. 粉煤灰流幕式气力分级器的分级理论及设计

    Classify theory and design of the pneumatic classifier of flowing curtain type applied to fine coal

  8. 超细粉体分级器对重质碳酸钙的分级研究

    Study on the classification of superfine heavy calcium carbonate samples with a new type air classifier

  9. 从分离重级光谱的角度设计了光谱分级器,以消除光谱测量中的倍波现象。

    And the equipment used to eliminate multi-wavelength effect has been designed in view of spectral classification .

  10. 现有的石粉加工技术存在大量排放粉尘的问题,问题的症结在于旋风分级器收集效率不高。

    Today 's rock powder processing gives out serious particle pollution , which is resulted from low collection efficiency of cyclone classifier .

  11. 本文在目前干燥机分级器的结构基础上作了一些改进,使之可以满足干燥产品多种粒度的要求,操作起来更加灵活方便;

    Some improvements have been made about grader structure in this paper and make it meet the need of product size easily .

  12. 用折返流针轮转子离心两级分级器作为新型石粉加工系统的核心,它能显著削减场地粉尘污染,缩小系统所占空间,并增加一级微细粉产品。

    As a core of rock powder processing system , the classifier reduces considerably particle pollution , lessens occupied space and gives out fine powder product additionally .

  13. 用回归方法得到转鼓式细粉分级器流场的计算公式,根据这类分级器的结构特点确立了不同的边界条件。

    On the basis of the regressed flow field formulas of rotary drum fine powder classifier , different boundary conditions were determined according to the configuration of this type of classifier .

  14. 调整滑道,若有必要,调整整个轻质分级绝缘器。

    Adjust the runners and if necessary the whole lightweight section insulator .

  15. 介绍了应用分级旋流器对精煤泥回收系统进行改造的优点。

    Introduced the advantages of coarse slime recovery reformation system by using classifying hydrocyclone .

  16. 分级旋流器的分选作用

    The Cleaning Effect of a Classifying Hydrocyclone

  17. 图像处理系统输出的控制指令通过计算机的25针并行打印口输出,经驱动电路控制分级执行器的适时启动和停止。

    The control system transmits image processing information and instructions to motor-driven circuit by standard LPT .

  18. 主要成果如下:(1)开发了95μm分级旋流器。

    The main results are as follows : ( 1 ) Developed the95 μ m classification hydrocodone .

  19. 多粒级分级旋流器的初步研制

    Development of multi-size classifying cyclone

  20. 这为以后小流量颗粒分级旋流器分级效率的研究提供了一定的理论基础和实际的研究方法。

    This provides a theoretical basis and a practical method for the study of the classification efficiency of the small flow hydrocyclone that for piratical separation .

  21. 根据生产技术检查数据,确认常规分级旋流器存在的分选作用是导致分级旋流器回收粗煤泥灰分偏高的主要原因。

    Based on the data of technical control , it can be affirmed that the separation action is the prime reason that lead to the higher ash of coarse coal in recovery with hydrocyclone .

  22. 介绍了旋流器的基本工作原理,并对重介质旋流器、水介旋流器、煤泥浓缩分级旋流器应用经验进行了总结。

    Elaboration is given in the paper of the basic operation principle of cyclones and the experiences on application of dense medium cyclone and water-only cyclone , and coal slurry thickening and classifying used cyclones are also summarized .

  23. 通过改变分级旋流器的结构参数,利用煤泥、矿泥混合压滤等工艺,南桐选煤厂基本上消化了选矿矿泥,提高了煤炭的综合加工利用率,取得了较好的经济效益。

    Through changing the structural parameter of classifying cyclone , and by mixed filter press and refuse slime , Nantong Coal Preparation Plant treated basically total refuse slime , and therefore increased the coal comprehensive utilization efficiency , and made a high economic benefit too .

  24. 基于FPGA的高速实时/回放分级复接器设计

    Design of Real-time and Replayed High-rate Multiplexer Based on FPGA

  25. 同步采样法在可控硅分级电压调节器中的设计

    Design of the thyristor voltage regulator using synchronization sampling

  26. 可控硅分级电压调节器控制方法的研究

    The Study on the Control Method of the Thyristor Voltage Regulator on Step

  27. 自动无功功率分级补偿电容器的投切策略严重影响系统的无功补偿效果及开关、电容器的使用寿命。

    The switch on / off strategy of grouped automatic reactive power compensation affects the compensation effect and lifetime of switch and capacitor .

  28. GS型概率分级筛激振器机架的改进

    Improvement of GS type probability screen vibration frame

  29. 在筛分的基础上进一步用自由沉降分级和水力旋流器分级使SiC晶须得到富集,晶须品位达到40%~50%。

    SiC whisker has been further enriched through free settled process method and hydrocyclone separation , which increased the whisker grade to 40 % ~ 50 % .

  30. 密地选矿厂一段磨矿分级用水力旋流器取代螺旋分级机的试验研究

    Test Research on Using Hydrocyclone to Replace Spiral Classifier in Midi Concentrator