
huó shuǐ
  • running water;flowing water;fresh current
活水 [huó shuǐ]
  • [flowing water] 有水源而常流不断的水

活水[huó shuǐ]
  1. 府南河畔活水公园的水景雕塑

    Water Scene Sculpture in the " Flowing Water Park " on Funan Riverside

  2. 成都活水公园体验亲水主题构建城市湿地

    Flowing Water Park of Chengdu : Themed at Water Affinity Building an Artificial River Wetland Ecosystem in the City

  3. 但是,磁化活水灌溉甜椒后,植株的茎粗和果实体内的维生素C、还原糖和可溶性固形物含量虽略有增加,但对改善甜椒果实品质效果不大。

    But , the stem diameters and the contents of Vitamin C , reduced sugars and soluble solid increased slightly after sweet pepper irrigated with magnetized water , but led to the quality of sweet pepper improved little .

  4. 从成都市活水公园看人工湿地系统处理工艺

    Look through the Constructed Wetland System from Chengdu Living Water Park

  5. 你可以和谁分享你所领受的生命活水呢?

    To whom can you bring the living water you 've received ?

  6. 这是流动的活水与一潭死水的区别。

    It 's the difference between running and stagnant water .

  7. 一个地区缺少活水的事实

    the geography of a region that was critically short of running water

  8. “活水之河将从你腹中流淌”

    " Rivers of living water shall flow from your bellies . "

  9. 和活水相连混合饮品的吧台。

    A bar for mixing drinks that has a sink with running water .

  10. 颂赞耶稣基督赐给我们生命的活水。

    Thank God today for Jesus Christ , the wonderful water for life .

  11. 引清活水改善常州城市水环境的研究

    A Study on Water Environment Improvement by Clean Water Diversion in Changzhou City

  12. 成都市活水公园人工湿地塘床系统的生物群落

    Biological Community in Constructed Wetland Pond-Bed System of Living Water Garden in Chengdu

  13. 唯有耶稣永流活水,能解除我们对上帝的渴望。

    Only Jesus , the Living Water , can satisfy our thirst for God .

  14. 艺术与生活形式成为分析美学取之不竭的活水源头。

    Art and life form become inexhaustible source of living water of analysis aesthetics .

  15. 将网站与研究性学习进行整合可谓是为现代教育注入了一股活水。

    The integration of Internet and research study has brought vitality to modern education .

  16. 方言:电影创作的活水源头

    Dialect is the Source of the Film Creation

  17. 人工湿地公园的生态与景观&从成都活水公园说开去

    The Ecology and Landscape of Constructed wetland

  18. 瘦西湖活水工程泵站测试分析

    Testing and analysis of the pumping station in water flowing project of the Slender West Lake

  19. 祂一提出「活水」,她就立即想问个究竟。

    He mentioned " living water " and she immediately wanted to know what He meant .

  20. 源来活水:传统文化与现代室内外设计革命内外:《訄书》的写作修辞与文化政治

    On the traditional culture and modern interior or exterior design & Living water comes from the source

  21. 源头自有活水来&对上海高校的考察与思考

    There Isn 't Spring Water Without a Source & a reflection on the colleges and universities in Shanghai

  22. 我给人一杯凉水,祂却赐我活水的泉源;

    I give a cup of cold water , and He makes me to drink of living water .

  23. 地球表面很大一部分为水覆盖,而这些水多为流动的活水。

    A large area of the world is covered with water , most of which is always moving .

  24. 你若还未来到基督的面前,何不今天就去,一尝祂为你预备的活水。

    If you have not come to Christ , why not come today and find out what He can do ?

  25. 食物的产生需要不断地对土地施肥、气候的稳定、源源活水和生态支持(如授粉)。

    Food supplies need continuing soil fertility , climatic stability , freshwater supplies and ecological support ( such as pollination ) .

  26. 你会看到我腹中涌出活水,从一处隐秘的泉源汨汨流出来。

    What do I see ? My cistern seems to fill as it flows . A secret spring is at work .

  27. 信入我的人,就如经上所说,从他腹中要流出活水的江河来。

    He who believes into Me , as the Scripture said , out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water .

  28. 结果表明,人工生态活水工程对于水资源的利用、污染水体的修复以及生态型河道的建设具有重要的意义。

    The result shows that this project is of significant importance for water resource utilization , polluted water body remediation and ecological river construction .

  29. 今天我们所看的经文,给我们更大的应许:「从我们腹中要涌出活水的泉源,要给别人带来生命及祝福。」

    In our text the promise is even greater : rivers of living waters flowing from him , bringing life and blessing to others .

  30. 独立思考的品格、渊博而合理的知识结构、勇于探索的求学精神是其学术创新的强大动力和活水源头。

    His moral integrity of independent thinking , reasonable and profound knowledge structure and exploring spirit had become the ever-fresh inspiration for academic innovation .