
  • In vivo measurement;【医】somatometry
  1. 本实验利用三维CT扫描技术活体测量指标实用可靠,测量结果能真实反映眼眶的实际大小和形状。

    The measuring guidelines of the orbital three-dimensional CT measurement are utility and reliable , may allow to reflect really the shape and size of the orbit .

  2. 方法:采用CT方法,对成年男性45人73只正视眼的前后径与横径的内外径进行了活体测量,并对其中23人33眼的眼轴同时进行A超测量。

    Methods : The inner and outer ones of the anteroposterior and horizontal ocular dimensions of 736 emmetropic eyes of 45 adult men were measured in vivo with CT . The 33 ocular axes of 23 men were simultaneously measured with A-ultrasonic method .

  3. 大白鼠肝部的活体测量结果显示,上述两种造影剂能分别显著地改变生物活体组织的T2和T1值。

    The data measured from the images of rat 's liver in vivo show that the two types of contrast media are able to change remarkably the T2 and T1 of tissue of rat liver , respectively .

  4. 方法用Hertel眼球突出计对3~90岁黎族人的眶距和眼球突出度进行活体测量。

    Methods Adopting epidemic survey , we measured the orbital distance and exophthalmos of Li populations aged 3-90 years with a Hertel exophthalmometer .

  5. 人工晶状体倾斜与偏心的简便活体测量方法

    Simple method for measuring intraocular lens tilt and decentration in vivo

  6. 一组正常眼球径活体测量

    Measurement of a group of normal ocular dimensions in vivo

  7. 活体测量中扣除本底的抵偿法

    A compensation method for deducting the background in the in vivo measurement

  8. 后房型人工晶体倾斜和偏心的活体测量及研究

    Measurement and research of posterior chamber intraocular lens tilt and decentration in vivo

  9. 3192例四川地区青少年及儿童面部角度活体测量研究

    Anthropometry of angles in the face of 3192 adolescents and children in Sichuan

  10. 用于活体测量哺乳动物幼崽体重和体长的一种简易装置

    A Simple Metrical Equipment for Living Mammalian Infants ' Body Weight and Size

  11. 口唇部活体测量及生长发育研究

    Anthropometry and development of mouth , and lips

  12. 用两种人体胸腔模型对超铀元素活体测量系统刻度的结果及其比较

    Calibration of in vivo measurement system for transuranic elements and results comparison using LLNL and JAERI phantoms

  13. 目的:活体测量成年男性正视眼的前后径与横径。

    Objective : To measure the anteroposterior dimensions and horizontal dimensions of emmetropic eyes of adult men in vivo .

  14. 方法:以湖南省汉寿县毛家滩回族乡为主测区,对回族成年男、女400人进行活体测量与观察。

    Methods : A total of400 adults of Hui nationality were observed and measured in Hanshou County , Hunan Province .

  15. 尿、粪排泄物分析与活体测量所得的结果在合理的误差范围内是一致的。

    The results obtained from the urine and faece samples and from whole-body counting were in agreement within reasonable error range .

  16. 活体测量上睑皱襞距睑缘的距离、平视时上睑缘和上睑皮缘的位置。

    The range of suprapalpebral fold to palpebraledge and the position of eyelid skin edge when orthophoria were measured in vivo .

  17. 人体组成的活体测量技术是人体组成学研究的重要内容,近年来有了长足的发展。

    The in vivo techniques for studying human body composition have built up an important field and are continuing to be developed .

  18. 本文对九江地区汉族成年男女,共计950例(男467例,女483例),进行鼻的活体测量与活体观察。

    The noses of 950 adults ( 467 males and 483 females ) of Han nationality from Jiu-jiang were observed and measured .

  19. 当前国内外研究重点在于血液成分含量低导致的信号相当微弱和活体测量受到干扰因素众多。

    The current focal points of the research are the weak signal due to low component concentration and the numerous disturbance factors in the in vivo measurement .

  20. 植入后1,2,4,8周,活体测量在植入种植材料区域颌骨表面的应变变化。

    After 1,2,4,8 weeks , the variety of strain value on the surface of inferior alveolar bone at implanted area was measured by strain gauge in vivo .

  21. 对山东半岛地区1000名汉族大学生的手长、足长和身高进行活体测量。

    The hands length of the and the feet as well as the statures of 1000 students of Han Nationality living in the Shandong Peninsula Island were measured .

  22. 概述了现代医学影像技术的原理及特点,阐明颅骨测量及活体测量的方法、应用,特别是在头部损伤生物力学研究领域的应用价值。

    A brief review of modern medical imaging technology has been given . Geometric measurement of living skulls and its application are fully explained , especially for its practical value in the field of head injury biomechanics .

  23. 结论:活体CT测量眼球径可靠、可行。

    Conclusions : The measurements of ocular dimensions with CT in vivo were reliable and practical .

  24. 正常上颈髓面积的活体MRI测量与标准化

    Measurement and Normalization of Normal Upper Cervical Cord Area in Vivo by MRI

  25. 游标卡尺测量瘤体大小;人眼球径活体CT测量及与离体尺测结果比较

    Tumor size was recorded . CT measurement of human ocular dimensions in vivo and comparison with enucleated eyes dimensions measured with vernier caliper

  26. 目的采用MRI在活体上测量各段视神经的直径和探讨显示视神经全程的最佳MRI扫描基线。

    Objective To measure diameter of normal human optic nerve in vivo on MR imaging and search for the optimal scanning baseline displaying the whole optic nerve .

  27. 大鼠活体骨量测量质控的影响因素分析

    Analysis of quality control of rat bone mass measurement in vivo

  28. 透射型活体剂量测量法&为移动式全身放射作校正

    Transmission type in-vivo dosimetry & calibration for translation total body irradiation

  29. 趾甲的活体解剖测量及其临床意义

    Anatomic measurement and clinical significance of toenail

  30. 结论:临床活体采用测量左右两侧颧弓的间距来推算颧弓深度、颧弓长度具有显著性意义。

    Conclusion It is applicable that the length and depth of the zygomatic arch , the thickness of the mandibular angle can be calculated by means of the measurement of the distance between the right zygomatic arch and the left zygomatic arch .