
  • 网络Live chess;living group
活棋 [huó qí]
  • (1) [(of go)a move with at least two traps]∶围棋中指至少有两个真眼的一片棋

  • (2) [favorable]∶比喻使事情顺利的某一环节

  1. 洋基经理现金男决定交易这个外野手,并执行了雨刷伯明年的合约选择权。雨刷伯在洋基七月获得阿布瑞尤之后就变成一个活棋。

    Yankees general manager Brian cashman , in picking up sheffield 's contract option for next season , had been determined to make a deal for the outfielder , who became expendable when right fielder Bobby Abreu was acquired from the Phillies last july .