
huó jiào yù
  • living education
活教育[huó jiào yù]
  1. 陈鹤琴活教育课程论思想对音乐教育的启示

    Enlightenment of Curriculum Theory of CHEN He-qin 's " Living Education " to Music Education

  2. 陈鹤琴活教育的思想理念及其现实意义

    Chen Hegin 's Concepts of " Live Education " and Its Significance

  3. 反思、整合学活教育学教育学研究式教学的再思考与实践

    Reflection and Readjustment Enliven the Teaching of Pedagogy Reconsideration and Practice of the Research Type Teaching of Pedagogy

  4. 他认为旧的乡村教育已不适合建设乡村社会的需要,必须另辟生路,即建立适合乡村社会实际生活的活教育。

    He held that the old rural education could not meet with the requirements of building rural society in China .

  5. 陈鹤琴先生关于幼儿心理特点和幼儿智力开发的思想,充分体现了他的活教育的主张。

    Chen 's thought about children 's psychological characteristics and the development of their intelligence fully demonstrate his view about " active education " .

  6. 坚持四个并重,办活高职教育

    Insist on the Four Equal-Stress and Activate the Higher Vocational Education

  7. 其教育思想被认为是活的教育学。

    His education thought is considered live pedagogy .

  8. 提倡活的教育方法,即“活教”和“活学”。

    Fifth , recommended the education method alive , namely " lively teach " and " lively study " .

  9. 他的教育著作被誉为学校生活的百科全书,他的教育思想被称为活的教育学。

    His educational writings are known as the " encyclopedia of school live ", and his education thought is considered " living education " .

  10. 浅析当代大学生的乐活价值观教育

    Initial Analysis on " LOHAS " Value Education to Contemporary University Students

  11. 而且包括我该如何看待这活,很有教育意义。

    but with how I think about the job . It 's been educational .

  12. 历来,教师作为施教者,其本身就是知识的载体,是受教育者学习的对象,发挥着活的课程的教育功能;但随着制度化的教育出现后,教师的课程功能就被淡化。

    Ever , as the teaching of teachers , their knowledge of the vector itself is the object of the educated to learn to play a " living curriculum " of the educational function ; But with the emergence of institutionalized education , teachers of the courses feature was desalination .