
  • 网络House of Cards Season 2
  1. 本季度的业绩在某种程度上受益于《女子监狱》(OrangeistheNewBlack)和《纸牌屋》第二季的成功热播。

    This quarter 's results were in part driven by the second season success of Orange is the New Black and House of Cards .

  2. Netflix《纸牌屋》第二季将是第一批4K电视连续剧之一。

    Season 2 of Netflix 's ' House of Cards ' is one of the first series available in 4K .

  3. 《纸牌屋》第二季中会出现一对王牌演员。

    House of Cards is adding a pair of aces to its Season 2 deck .

  4. 《纸牌屋》第二季将会在美国时间2月14日一次性放出第二季的全部13集。

    House of Cards Season 2 will be released in its entirety on February 14 .

  5. 当你看到《纸牌屋》第二季结局时大反转的剧情时,你是什么反应?

    What was your reaction when you found out the big twist for the season two finale of House of Cards ?

  6. 根据搜狐提供的数字,《纸牌屋》第二季目前累计获得了2900万的点击量,每一集的点击量大约为220万次。

    According to Sohu 's figures , House of Cards ' second season has 29 million views , which works out to 2.2 million views per episode .