
hǎi lí
  • beaver;castor
海狸[hǎi lí]
  1. 外壳同样大多以手工敲开,工人手指上得沾些木灰或是亚麻子或海狸油来保护手。

    Most shells are cracked by hand , too ; workers dust their fingers in wood ash or linseed or castor oil , for protection .

  2. 海狸是一种长着大门牙的动物。

    A beaver is an animals with big front teeth .

  3. 麋鹿、鹿和郊狼的数量正在下降,而海狸和红狐的数量有所上升。

    Elk , deer , and coyote populations are down , while beavers and red foxes have made a comeback .

  4. 郊狼杀死了公园里大部分的红狐狸,把公园里的海狸都赶走了。

    The coyotes killed a large percentage of the park ' s red foxes , and completely drove away the park ' s beavers .

  5. 年有人把这些海豚象海狸那样把一床浸泡了水的褥垫推上岸时的情景拍摄了下来

    In 1928 some porpoises were photographed working like beavers to push ashore a waterlogged mattress . 1928

  6. 第四部分……n.海狸海狸以会在溪中筑水坝而闻名。

    Part 4 ...... beaver Beavers are noted for their skill in building dams across streams .

  7. Amik在印第安语中是指海狸。

    " Amik " in Indian language means beaver .

  8. 通过对海狸号AUV的推进器及传感器的性能分析,根据各传感器在推进器故障前后的输出差异,提出了一种基于传感器输出信号处理的推进器故障诊断策略。

    The thesis proposes a strategy of thruster fault diagnosis based on sensor output information processing according on output difference of sensors pre / post fault and performance analysis for the propeller and sensors of " beaver " .

  9. 称为Amik的海狸被选为了夏季奥运会,1976年蒙特利尔奥运会官方吉祥物。

    " Amik " the beaver was chosen as the official mascot for the Summer Olympic Games of Montreal , 1976 .

  10. 电动飞机由一架有62年历史的六座DHC-2德哈维兰海狸水上飞机改造而成,由海港航空的创始人和总裁格雷格·麦克杜兰(GregMcDougall)驾驶。

    The e-plane -- a 62-year-old , six-passenger DHC-2 de Havilland Beaver seaplane retrofitted with an electric motor -- was piloted by Greg McDougall , founder and chief executive of Harbour Air .

  11. 专家表示,海狸很少会攻击人类。

    Experts say it is rare for beavers to attack people .

  12. 这是我见过的最大的海狸。

    That is the biggest damn beaver I have ever seen .

  13. 嗳,孩子啊,毕竟我们是海狸嘛!

    Well , after all , Junior , we are beavers !

  14. 在巴塔哥尼亚的河边露营时,她遭到了海狸的攻击;

    she was attacked by beavers camping near water in Patagonia ;

  15. 气相色谱法分析不同提取条件的海狸鼠油脂成分

    Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Fat and Oil from Myocastor Coypus

  16. 海狸既能在陆上生活也能在水里生活。

    The beaver lives both on land and in water .

  17. 即使我曾经发过誓,绝不花钱买海狸。

    Although I swore I would never pay for beaver .

  18. 海狸因其会在水流中筑堤而闻名。

    Beavers are noted for their skill in building dams across streams .

  19. 海狸:爸爸和妈妈会为我感到骄傲的。

    BEAVER : Mom and Dad will be so proud of me .

  20. 海狸一直辛勤工作。

    The beaver has always been associated with hard work .

  21. 从一个海狸身上能得到多少钱?

    How much can a man make off a beaver ?

  22. 海狸鼠染色体核型及带型的研究

    A Study on Karyotype and Band Chromosome of Myocastor Coypus

  23. 北美洲形似海狸鼠的水栖类啮齿动物,有平滑的深褐色皮毛。

    Beaver-like aquatic rodent of North America with dark glossy brown fur .

  24. 海狸鼠淋巴结的解剖及组织形态结构的初步研究

    Anatomic and Histological Structure of Lymph Node of Myocastor coypus

  25. 海狸鼠胃和肠的动脉形态学观察

    Morphological Observation of the Arterial of the Stomach and Intestines of Nutria

  26. 海狸:嗨,富兰克林。你想去游泳嘛?

    BEAVER : Hey Franklin , do you want to go swimming ?

  27. 如果一只海狸需要补牙,那么它应该去找谁呢?

    If a beaver needed dental work , where would it go ?

  28. 像海狸一样把浸透水的床垫推上岸的情景。

    Working like beavers to push ashore a waterlogged mattress .

  29. 一名芬兰男子侥幸逃过一只海狸的攻击。

    A Finnish man survived an attack by a beaver .

  30. 什麽动物是加拿大的官方标志海狸。

    Which animal is an official symbol of Canada it is the beaver .