
  1. 《纸牌屋》第三季仿佛是戛然而止,弗兰克·安德伍德总统(PresidentFrankUnderwood)在妻子克莱尔(Claire)身后呼唤,她走出白宫,似乎也想走出两人的婚姻与政治联盟。

    The third season of " House of Cards " ended practically in midsentence , with President Frank Underwood calling after his wife , Claire , as she walked out of the White House and , seemingly , away from their marriage and political partnership .

  2. 让众多粉丝翘首以盼的Netflix公司热播剧《纸牌屋》第三季终于在上周开播,而不论是华盛顿、硅谷,还是其他地方的当权派,肯定会与主角弗兰克o安德伍德产生一定程度的共鸣。

    As many of us start binge watching the third season of Netflix 's House of Cards , which aired last week , it 's clear that top dogs from Washington to Silicon Valley and everywhere in between can identify , at least to some extent , with the main character , Frank Underwood .

  3. 《纸牌屋》第三季远非完美。

    Season three is far from perfect .

  4. 《纸牌屋》第三季也许很难再达到该剧首播时的高度,但是较之平淡无味的第二季,还是要出色很多。

    This third season doesn 't reach the dramatic heights that the series " opening does , but it far exceeds the blandness of season two .

  5. 《纸牌屋》第三季采用独特的象征主义手法,展示了佛教僧侣们如何呕心沥血用彩沙创作错综复杂、精美异常的坛城沙画,僧侣们在绘制完成之后便将这些精美的图案扫掉。

    In clever symbolism , the third season of House of Cards shows Buddhist monks painstakingly create an intricate and beautiful mosaic with colored powder , only to wipe away the whole display when they 're done .