
  1. 他是萨拉的旧情人,是她作为单身时髦女郎时的旧爱。

    He is an old flame of Sarah 's , from her days as a single girl about town .

  2. 拿出你的旧爱好,或找些新爱好。

    Get out your old hobbies or start a new one .

  3. 男人寻求他们的旧爱只有一个理由。

    There 's only one reason men seek their old love .

  4. 旧爱已杳然,痴心何悲叹!所叹谁堪解?

    Who can say why your heart sighs as your love flies ?

  5. 我之所以说说我是一个可怕的收藏者,是因为我喜欢重新探寻一些旧爱。

    I 'm a terrible hoarder because I like rediscovering old favourites .

  6. 让你的旧爱过去吧。

    Be willing to let go of those old loves .

  7. 他们弃旧爱迎新欢,就像换另一个牌子的麦片一样简单。

    They move on like they would have changed brand of cereals .

  8. 如果你仍旧爱他们,那么你需要帮助我。

    If you still love them , then you need to help me .

  9. 我为将新欢视为初恋向旧爱致歉。

    My apologies to past loves for thinking that the latest is the first .

  10. 我悲伤的心挣扎在旧爱和新爱之间。

    The old love and the new love .

  11. 那为暗夜所掩盖的落难的旧爱。

    Where night-rack shrouds the Old Love fugitive .

  12. 让我知道,即使在我最糟糕的日子里你仍旧爱我。

    Let me know even on my worst days that you still like me .

  13. 李湘已离婚急吃回头草旧爱竟是房地产老板?

    Li Hsiang divorced looking for love was anxious to eat real estate boss ?

  14. 让雨落在她心底,让我俩的旧爱焕发新生机。

    Rain in her heart and let the love we knew start to grow .

  15. 谁的新欢不是别人的旧爱,总有人会成为代替品。

    Who 's sweetheart than someone else 's old love , someone will become replacement .

  16. 如果你总是那他和旧爱相比,那么你还没有准备好。

    If you find yourself comparing your date with your ex then you have not yet moved on .

  17. 另一项研究发现了为何我们总是希望和旧爱复合。

    Other research has shed light on why we often yearn to get back together with a lost love .

  18. 若你希望和旧爱合好,或正在离婚过程中,要预期有负面反应。

    If you wish to reconcile with an old love or are in the process of divorce expect a negative response .

  19. 祝你在旧金山一切如意。她既然身体好,也能依照尊意工作,并且仍旧爱我,那已是我所希望的一切了。

    She is well , works as you would wish , and loves me , that is all that I desire .

  20. 如果单身的话,你可能会和某个旧爱重新联系来看看你们是否能共同面对将来。

    If single , you may reconnect with an old lover to see if the two of you can makeagoof things in the future .

  21. 好多年前他偷了她的钱,从那以后她就再没见过他,但她仍旧爱他。

    He had stolen money from her many years ago and she had never seen him since then , but she still loved him .

  22. 虽然这些聚会总是将我们和家人朋友快乐地召集在一起,也可能把那些昔日旧爱带到面前。

    Although these get-togethers often happily reunite us with family and friends , they also tend to unhappily reunite us with our exes of yesteryear .

  23. 在新电影中,布里奇特并不清楚自己腹中孩子的亲生父亲到底是谁,究竟是多年旧爱变成前男友的马克·达西还是新欢奎特。

    In the new film , Bridget is unsure whether the father of her baby is longterm love turned ex Mark Darcy or newcomer Qwant .

  24. 有时候,这句话你可以脱口而出但是当旧爱来临,你又会觉得世界崩塌满是伤痕。

    There are times that you can say this immediately but when your old flame comes back , you will crumble down and feel the pain again .

  25. 事实上,即使我们已经从痛苦的分手中学到了很多,我们中的一些人就是很难抵抗和旧爱鸳梦重温的诱惑。

    Indeed , even with all we have learned from painful breakups , some of us simply cannot resist the temptation of reconnecting with an old flame .

  26. 在他们订婚之前,她和这位英俊的商人已经约会了四年,尽管他没有让她心跳加速的感觉,她仍旧爱着他。

    Clark had dated a handsome businessman for four years before they got engaged , and although he didn 't make her heart race , she still loved him .

  27. 男女实验对象看到旧爱的照片时,脑部扫描表明心碎感而活动的大脑区域和毒瘾发作时的大脑区域是相同的。

    Brain scans of men and women pining for a past partner revealed that a broken heart triggers the same feeling in the brain as kicking a drug addiction .

  28. 如果你的旧爱就再不远处,他总是出现在你身边,但他再也不会在你心里掀起波澜,那么你真的可以继续了。

    Even if your past partner is just around the corner and you see him or her oftentimes but they don 't affect you anymore , then you have moved on .

  29. 虽然有很多猜测说这首歌曲与阿黛尔的前任有关,但这个注重隐私的歌手并未提供什么有关旧爱的信息。

    While there 's been much speculation as to the ex Adele is addressing in the song , the very private singer has not given any evidence to identify the past lover .

  30. 那你经历这些情绪的时候,他们的力量会慢慢减弱,你就可以和旧爱说再见,迎接一段幸福、健康的新感情。

    As the emotions move through you , they will slowly lose their potency , and you will be ready to say goodbye to your ex and move on to a happy , healthy new relationship .