
  1. 简同前男友旧情复燃,这使马克心都碎了。

    Mark was heartbroken when Jane returned to her old boyfriend .

  2. 他知道,他还抱着一丝旧情复燃的希望。

    He did not wish to mislead her in any way .

  3. 那么,你后来有没有和这个家伙旧情复燃过?

    So victoria , did you ever re-return to this guy ?

  4. 过去的伴侣可能想旧情复燃。

    Past partners may try to come back into your life .

  5. 不,我不打算和她旧情复燃。

    No , I 'm not planning on getting back togetherwith her .

  6. 你又爱上她了,你旧情复燃!

    You love her again ; you re-love her !

  7. 丹尼尔对你们的旧情复燃完全没有兴趣

    Daniel 's unconcerned with your renewed relationship .

  8. 我还以为你跟奥利弗又旧情复燃了,我看见你们一起出去了。

    I thought maybe you and Oliver went manoamano again . I saw you two head out .

  9. 而频繁地逗留于过去约会的老地方,很有可能让你与对方旧情复燃。

    A romantic infatuation from your past may surface if you frequent places that you both used to go .

  10. 在我发现她和你旧情复燃后我就把画作送去做了鉴定

    You see , I had that painting appraised when I found out that she 'd sunk back in with you ,

  11. 比伯今年24岁,鲍德温今年21岁,二人在2015年和2016年简短的约会后,在一个月前旧情复燃。

    Bieber , 24 , and Baldwin , 21 , briefly dated in 2015 and 2016 and rekindled their romance about a month ago .

  12. 不管如何,我们要她旧情复燃,而不是做她以前没做过的事,是自愿的,我补充一句。

    Either way , we are asking her to resume her prior relationship - not do anything she hasn 't already done ... voluntarily , I might add .

  13. 虽然还未被证实这对旧恋人是否已旧情复燃,罗伯特和克里斯汀和好的流言却已在上周渐渐传开。

    Rumors surfaced last week that Rob and Kristen were working toward a reconciliation , though it hasn 't been confirmed whether or not the former couple has rekindled their relationship .

  14. 或是你可能突然想联系曾经爱过但是分手了的人看看能否旧情复燃。

    Or , you may suddenly feel like contacting someone you used to love but broke up with some time ago to find out if you can make a go of things again .