
  • 网络character sketch;Unedited Biographies
  1. 对于我来说,这第一本书不是华盛顿·欧文的《人物速写》。

    To me , the first book was the'Sketch Book'of Washington Irving .

  2. 谢谢收看本期“卡通人物速写”教程,我们下期节目再见。

    Thanks for watching video How To Draw A Cartoon Man

  3. 不过,对他影响最大的书是华盛顿·欧文的《人物速写》。

    But the book which influenced him most was Washington Irving 's'Sketch Book ' .

  4. 参加婚礼或葬礼时,你总能画出半打人物速写画。

    You create half a dozen character sketches every time you attend a wedding or a funeral .