
  • At the beginning of life;NEW BORN;Infancy
  1. 他们断言美国文学诞生之日便几乎被扼杀了。人之初,性本善。第四、语法精讲.

    They concluded that American literature had been well-nigh throttled at birth . (

  2. 结果发现:3岁以前的儿童表现出人之初性本善的特征,对他人比较宽厚;

    The results suggested that children showed the good nature before 3 years old ;

  3. 人之初,性本善。

    Man 's nature at birth is good .

  4. 我们相信人之初性本善。

    We believe people are basically good .

  5. 我国高科技企业员工绩效考核,目前基本还是沿用传统的人之初,性本懒的思想,绩效考核与高科技企业知识型员工特点是不适宜的。

    It is not appropriate for high-technology companies to appraise employees ' performance adopting traditional thought of " Human were born with laziness " nowadays because of the distinguish of the knowledgeable employees in the companies .

  6. 年轻人创业之初,应该从最底层干起,这是件好事。

    It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the most subordinate positions .

  7. 岛外的人和岛民结婚之初只能获得三年的居住权。

    Outsiders who wed islanders are given only three years ' right of abode at first .

  8. 第三人效果理论提出之初,戴维森就将其主要分为两个阶段,即认知阶段和后续行为阶段。

    At the beginning of the third-person effect hypothesis was proposed by Davison , it was divided into two phases principally , which are the perception phase and the subsequent act phase .

  9. 这个印度小孩很快会学到的,跟英国人在这个世纪之初以及俄国人在1980年代晚期学到的如出一辙:阿富汗人是独立的民族。

    The Hindi kid would soon learn what the British learned earlier in the century , and what the Russians would eventually learn by the late 1980s : that Afghans are an independent people .

  10. 如果有人在你成年之初便给你一张免费票,让你自由探索你想要的职业生涯,但还不足以这辈子不再工作,你会怎么做?

    What would you have done if someone , very early in your adult life , had given you a free ticket to explore any career you wanted & but not enough to stop working forever ?

  11. 穷人去看牙医的可能性人是不可能爱敌人的人之初,性本恶?

    Poor people are less likely to visit a dentist . Loving your enemy Was every human being born with an evil heart ?

  12. 这一兴趣使我不停地了解更多的人,而对人的深入了解则促使我相信人之初,性本善。

    My interest leads me to widen my knowledge of people , and this in turn compels me to believe in the common goodness of mankind .