
  1. 在人生的各个阶段,我们都会蒙受损失并且在这一过程中成长。

    At every stage of life we sustain losses and grow in the process .

  2. 我们所有人,在人生的各个阶段,都是被我们的自我观念所塑造,但往往我们自己意识不到。

    All of us , in all stages of life , are shaped by our self-concept more than we often realize .

  3. 在他人生的各个阶段,都会浮现出许多关系问题:思维和身体,智能和行为,科学和社会,个体和历史。

    At every stage his life raised questions about the connection ( or lack of it ) between the mind and the body , thought and action , intelligence and operations , science and society , the individual and history .