
  1. 他发现,很多中国人在欧洲不给服务员或行李生小费。

    He found that many Chinese do not tip waiters or luggage carriers in Europe .

  2. 然而,穴居人在欧洲和亚洲已经生活了数千年。

    Neanderthals on the other hand had already been living in Europe and Asia for thousands of years .

  3. 黑山人在欧洲出没过,猎首时的主要目标是奥斯曼土耳其人。

    The Montenegrins could be found in Europe , and they primarily targeted the Ottoman Turks when head-hunting .

  4. 在第一次世界大战期间,数以千万计的人在欧洲的战壕中被致命的毒气杀害,美国士兵也在其中。

    In World War I , American GIs were among the many thousands killed by deadly gas in the trenches of Europe .

  5. 这本小说就是《太阳照样升起》,是一部有关一次世界大战后,美国年青人在欧洲的故事。

    The novel was called " The Sun Also Rises . " It is about young Americans in Europe after World War One .

  6. 两个世纪以后,英国人在欧洲大陆的巡回旅行中发现了原始的建筑风格,从而使之复兴。后来这种新的复古风格被灌输进了美洲殖民地的建筑体系中。

    Two centuries later , that reinvention was itself revived by Englishmen who saw the originals on the Grand Tour , and implanted this new-old form in the American colonies .

  7. 发掘小组的科学家强调在交配假说的问题上需要慎重,但指出,头盖骨的解剖学特征表明,一些智人与尼安德特人混合的迹象可能在这两种人在欧洲和亚洲相遇前,就已经出现了。

    The discovery team urged caution on the interbreeding issue , but noted anatomical features of the cranium suggesting that some human-Neanderthal mixture had presumably occurred before any encounters in Europe and Asia .

  8. 据报告,英国人在欧洲生活质量最差,报告主要有长时间的,坏天气,低生育和许多消费品高价格。

    British people have the worst quality of life in Europe , according to a report which highlights the long hours , bad weather , low life expectancy and high price of many consumer goods .

  9. 詹姆斯是在网络上看到其他人在欧洲做同样的尝试时,受到启发想自己来做这个挑战的。他确实经常坐地铁上下班,但是他承认自己不是个地铁迷。

    Mr Heptonstall was inspired to tackle the ultimately pointless challenge by others who had completed similar quests on European transport networks . He often uses the Tube to get to work but confesses he is not a huge fan .

  10. 欧洲大陆人居住在欧洲大陆的人;

    An inhabitant of the mainland of Europe ; a European .

  11. 一般人认为在欧洲的文明里已没有奴隶制度。

    It is said that slavery has disappeared from European civilization .

  12. 苏格兰人在整个欧洲被人厌恶。

    The Scots were held in abhorrence all over europe .

  13. 中国人在其他欧洲市场更加不明显,尽管他们可能正在通过第三方购买股票。

    The Chinese are far less visible in other European markets , although they may be buying shares via third parties .

  14. 对于一种很多人认为在欧洲已经绝迹的复杂金融产品而言,就算是一笔交易,也会成为一个历史性时刻。

    And even one deal would be a historic moment for a complex financial product many wrote off as extinct in Europe .

  15. 欧洲也许被认为与中国没有相关联的地缘政治,但是中国人感到在欧洲比在美国更加受欢迎。2005年中国一家石油公司在美国收购尤尼科被阻止,这件事仍然影响着中国人的认识。

    Europe may be seen as a geopolitical irrelevance but the Chinese feel more welcome there than in America , where a Chinese oil firm was prevented from buying Unocal in 2005 - an event that still colours perceptions .

  16. 如今还有人在谈论投资欧洲零售市场吗?

    Is anyone talking about investing in the European retail market these days ?

  17. 实际上,还有人在想,欧洲的主权债务危机是否会给物价带来新一波下行压力。

    In fact , some wonder whether the sovereign debt crisis in Europe could unleash a renewed wave of downward pressure on prices .

  18. 三鑫公司说,他只得到低于一百万美元,而处在该项目里的人说,在欧洲的话,就要花上再多达50%的钱。

    Sanxin says it was paid under $ 1 million ; people involved in the project said it would have cost up to50 % more in Europe .

  19. 在经济衰退期间,这一个夏天从农场上严酷的工作中,学生们得到了许多锻炼,一些人准备背包在欧洲旅行。

    Still , during a recession , a summer on the farm provides respite from grim job hunts and as much bohemian cachet as backpacking through Europe .

  20. 其他人则表示,在欧洲许多城市的穆斯林居住地,有犹太人不敢前往的禁行区。

    Others describe no go zones in Muslim districts of many European cities where Jews dare not travel .

  21. 这些电梯是按每次只载客十四人设计的。在欧洲,电车一直被用作短程载送货车。

    The lifts were designed to carry only fourteen passengers apiece . In Europe electric vehicles have been used as short-range delivery vans .

  22. 企业家们在其它国家投资;年轻人在美国,在欧洲和其它地方寻求教育,在什么事能做,什么事能实现方面的限制比以前少了。

    The entrepreneurs are investing in other countries . Younger people , they are seeking education here or in Europe , and elsewhere . So there is less limit in terms of what they can do , what they can achieve .

  23. 温州市政府没有准确的移民统计数据,但温州市侨办副主任许捷估计,约有50万温州人生活在海外,其中大部分人在欧洲。

    The Wenzhou government does not keep accurate migration statistics but Xu Jie , deputy director for Wenzhou 's Overseas Chinese Administrative Office , estimates that 500000 Wenzhou natives live overseas , most in Europe .

  24. 他们当中有许多人在美军中服役过,另外一些人则在欧洲参加过反希持勒的地下斗争。

    Many of them had been in the American Army and some had been members of the European underground against Hitler .

  25. 现在我们希望塞尔维亚人、科索沃人、波斯尼亚人、黑山人、克罗地亚人、阿尔巴尼亚人和马其顿人,所有的人一起展望在欧洲的未来,也就是加入欧盟和北约。

    Now we hope the Serb people , the Kosovars , the Bosnians , the Montenegrins , the Croatians , Albanians , Macedonians-all of them-can look towards a future in Europe , and that is with the EU and NATO .