
  • 网络humanity campus
  1. 创建绿色人文校园促进学生全面发展

    Constructing green and humanistic school to promote the student 's all-sided development

  2. 山水园林环境·人文校园&南京大学浦口校区规划

    Landscape and Garden Environment , Humanistic Compus & Pukou Compus Plan in Nanjing University

  3. 五是加强校园文化建设,营造人文校园环境。

    Fifthly , we should enhance the culture building on campus to create good environment for humanity .

  4. 合并大学的医学高等教育应利用合并优势,从转变教育观念、优化课程设置、加强师资力量、构建人文校园四个方面着手,积极应对时代挑战,加强对医学生的人文素质教育。

    The integrated university should take these comprehensive advantages and meet the challenges to strengthen humanistic education for university students by converting educational concepts , bettering curriculum plans , improving the teaching staff structure and building humanistic campus culture .

  5. 摘要通过对江苏农林职业技术学院新校园的景观设计与营造,提出大学校园景观要体现人与自然高度和谐与统一,创造生态校园、人文校园和绿色校园的设计理念。

    Based on the landscape design and construction of new campus of Jiangsu Polytechnic College of agriculture and forestry , this paper suggests campus landscape is highly harmonious and unified combining human with nature , and creates the design ideas , such as ecological , civilization and green campus .

  6. 药香园林环境·人文生态校园&南阳仲景医学高等专科学校新校区规划

    Garden Environment with Medicine Fragrance · Humanism and Ecologic Campus & Planning of Zhongjing Medical College Campus in Nanyang

  7. 图书馆的人文关怀与校园文化建设

    Discussion About Human Care of Library and Construction of University Culture

  8. 四要营造具有浓郁人文氛围的校园文化环境。

    Fourthly , the cultural environment of the campus should be optimized .

  9. 高职院校人文教育与校园环境教育研究

    Research on the Humanistic Education and Campus Environment Education in Higher Professional Colleges

  10. 第一,营造充满人文精神的校园氛围。

    Firstly , constructing a harmonious school cultural environment and atmosphere based on love .

  11. 追寻人文理想的校园伦理

    Campus Ethic for Pursuing Human Ideal

  12. 图书馆的人文关怀在校园文化建设中具有重要的作用。

    The purpose of article is to discuss human care of library and effect of construction of university culture .

  13. 创造自然、物质、人文三位一体的校园环境&对开放式学校校园规划及建筑的探讨

    Creation of Campus Environment Integrating Nature , Substance and Humane - The Study on Arrangement and Construction of Open Campus Environment

  14. 校园文化是在特定环境中创造的一种与师生密切相关,具有校园特色的人文氛围、校园精神和生存环境。

    The campus culture is in the specific environment created by a closely related with students and teachers , with the characteristic of campus humanities atmosphere , campus spirit and living environment .

  15. 研究了融入人文精神的校园建筑设计的总体原则和具体方法,以为高校建筑的设计和研究开拓新的视野和提供借鉴。

    The general principle and exercisable methodology of architecture design combined to human spirit are analyzed and discussed in order to provide the new idea and reference for the campus architecture design and research .

  16. 校园文化是指以学牛为本、教师为主导的,在特定的校园环境中创造的,与社会和时代密切相关且具有校园特色的人文氛围、校园精神和生存环境。

    Campus culture refers to the student-oriented , teacher-led , in particular to create a campus environment , and is closely related to society and the times and has a unique cultural atmosphere on campus , campus spirit and the living environment .

  17. 人文关怀在校园网建设与管理中意义重大,它不仅是推进素质教育、提高教学水平的需要,也是学校跨越式发展的需要,是校园文明建设制度的体现。

    The humanity care plays the key role in the construction and management of the campus networks , which is not only consistent with the promotion of the quality-oriented education and the education level , but also satisfies the frog-leaping development and the civilization construction of the campus .

  18. 人文精神培养与校园文化建设

    The Spirit of Humanity Education and Campus Culture Development

  19. 人类社会的发展呼唤人文精神在大学校园的回归。

    The development of our society calls for the return of humanistic spirit in colleges and universities ;

  20. 融合科学与人文精神,加强校园文化建设;

    Science and humane spirits must be mixed together and the construction of campus culture must be strengthened .

  21. 高校图书馆具有为高校教学、科研、人文素质教育和校园文化建设等方面服务的功能。

    The library of universities has the service functions on teaching , scientific research , the humanities-quality-oriented education and building campus-culture , and so on .

  22. 而校园文化是一种特殊的人文氛围,加强校园文化建设是大学生人文素质教育工作的重要内容。

    However , as a kind of special humanistic atmosphere , strengthening the construction of campus culture is an important content of the work about humanistic education of college students .

  23. 培育民族精神应与“两课”教学、人文素质教育、校园文化建设、榜样教育和忧患意识教育结合起来。

    In the work of developing students ' spirit of nationality , educations on " Two-classes ", humanity quality campus culture , modeling and sense of hardship should be integrated together .

  24. 通过分析在开展人文教育、实现校园人文旅游和创造地域文明的要求下,提出了建设校园人文景观的意义;

    In accordance with the requirements of developing humanistic education , carrying out humanistic traveling on campus and creating regional civilization , this paper points out the significance of constructing humanistic landscape on campus and discusses its landscape strategy in content and landscape .

  25. 针对知识经济时代大学校园规划中所面临的尺度问题,通过回顾校园历史中的人文传统并参照人体工学,提出建立人文尺度校园的理想模型。

    This article mainly discusses the scale on campus planning in the time of knowledge economy . By the review of human tradition in campus history and referring to ergonomics , the ideal campus space model with human scale is formed .

  26. 最终提出当下较为适用的提升小学语文教师人文素养的四个方法和策略,促进教师专业发展,即营造人文校园文化、开展教师读书活动、加强教师校本教研、进行课堂教学改革。

    In order to promote the professional development and humanity qualities of teachers , it also presents four ways and strategies including creating a humanistic campus environment , developing reading activities of teachers , strengthening more school-based research , and encouraging the reform of classroom instruction .

  27. 军校人文素质教育要真正落到实处,必须更新办学理念,完善课程体系,提高教员人文素养,优化校园文化环境,实现管理的人文化。

    The necessary pre-conditions to carry out humanistic quality - oriented education should involve renewing the principle for school running , perfecting curriculum system , improving the humanistic attainment of educators , optimizing the cultural environment on campus and realizing the humanization in management .