
  • 网络Technological Literacy;technology literacy
  1. 第二部分为当代大学生科技素养的现状分析。

    The second part analyzes current situation of the contemporary university students ' scientific and technological literacy .

  2. 论文的第三部分,是在第一、第二部分的基础上,提出了提高当代大学生科技素养的对策。

    The third part of the thesis proposes improving the countermeasures of contemporary university students ' scientific and technological literacy on the basis of the first and second part .

  3. 培养经济管理类专业大学生科技素养的必然性和紧迫性

    The necessity and urgency about scientific discipline of the students in liberal arts

  4. 培养良好的科技素养是目前世界各国科学技术教育的最主要目标。

    To foster students ' science literacy is the most important goal of science and technology education in almost every country in the world .

  5. 首先对国内一些省市大学生科技素养的现状进行了概述,其中包括北京、江苏和广州等地。

    This part begins with the depiction of the current situation of university students ' scientific and technological literacy in domestic some provinces , including Beijing , Jiangsu and Guangzhou .

  6. 结合实际工作经验和部分结构性访谈,了解分析并提炼当代师范生的特点、社会地位及这些对其科技素养内涵形成的影响。

    Combined with the working experience and some structural interview , this paper analyzes and abstracts the characteristics , social status and effect resulting from these to the connotation of literacy of science and technology for present students of normal college .

  7. 但是目前国内对科技素养,尤其是社科大学生的科技素养的研究不多,高校师范生的科技素养的培养问题研究更是不多。

    However , study for the literacy of science and technology at home , especially the study for the social science of college students is limited , the study for the training of normal college students ' literacy of science and technology even less .

  8. 然后,主要针对上海市大学生的科技素养现状进行了考察,论述了科技素养调查问卷设计的思路、方法和主要内容,对调查结果从不同的角度进行了全面的分析。

    Then , it mainly observes the current situation of university students ' scientific and technological literacy in Shanghai . It describes the train of thought , method and main content which questionnaire is designed and carries on overall analysis from different angles to the investigation result .

  9. 从这一特殊角度,可以说师范生的科技素养水平标志着我国未来的科技发展水平,决定着国家可持续发展的能力。

    They undertake the important task . From this point of view , the development of normal college students ' literacy of science and technology indicates the development of science and technology of our country in the future . It also decides the ability of sustainable development in our country .

  10. 提出了提升理工科博士生科技伦理素养的重要性和必要性。

    Reflection on the exceeding study of science and technology ethics ;

  11. 以数学文化提高大学生的科技文化素养

    Promote College Students ' Quality of Scientific Culture through Mathematics Culture

  12. 加强农村教育,提高农民科技文化素养;

    Reinforcing rural education and bettering the technological and cultural qualities of farmers ;

  13. 社会生产力和人们日益增长的学习需求是推进公民科技文化素养提高的根本动因和基础;

    Second , citizen science and technology culture accomplishment drops along with the age structure more and more obviously .

  14. 健全的体制与配套政策是调节公民科技文化素养发展的中介;

    Third , there is a big gap of public scientific and technical literacy between city and countryside citizen .

  15. 公民的科技文化素养对于和谐社会的构建具有重要的意义,是和谐社会构建的重要基础,成为和谐社会的实力基础,也是构建和谐社会的内在要求和迫切要求。

    Public scientific and technology literacy is the important foundation , internal request and urgent need of the harmonious society .

  16. 有必要从文化、制度、教育等各个层面,运用多种途径培育和提升理工科大学生的科技伦理素养。

    We should make use of various means to cultivate the students'ethics of science and technology in culture , system and education .

  17. 为了解决这些问题,全面提高公民科技文化素养,本文提出具有针对性的对策和若干途径,主要集中在政府支持、科学普及和全民参与这三个方面。

    To solve these problems , and exactly improve public scientific and technical literacy , this paper presents some countermeasures , mainly focused on the government 's support measures , popularization of science and citizen participation .

  18. 同时在实践中进行了尝试,并且通过教学设计案例的分析,提出了基于初中信息科技课程视觉素养培养的实践模式。

    At the same time carried out in practice to try and instructional design through the analysis of cases , middle school based on information technology training courses in the practice of visual literacy model .

  19. 第三部分分析科技人员精神素养的时代要求,总结科技人员应该具有爱国主义、求实创新、以人为本和团结协作精神。

    The third part analyses demands of time in scientists and engineers ' mental culture . It includes that scientists and engineers should have spirits of patriotism , strives for realism the innovation , human centered and solidarity and coordination .

  20. 试论科技工作者的人文素养对科学技术发展的影响

    Effect of Our Scientific Workers ' Humanity Quality on Development of Scientific Technology

  21. 初中信息科技教学中视觉素养培养的研究和实践

    The Research and Practice of Visual Literacy Training in the Teaching of Information Technology in Junior High School

  22. “光有技术是不够的。科技要和人文素养和精神结婚,才能产生让我们的心为之歌唱的结果”。

    Technology alone is not enough . It 's technology married with the liberal arts , married with the humanities , that yields us the results that make our hearts sing .

  23. 因此,对师范生进行有针对性的、有效的科技教育,提高他们的科技素养,是高等师范教育工作不容忽视的内容。

    Therefore , the pertinent and effective training for the students in normal college and the improvement of their literacy of science and technology can not be neglected in higher normal students ' education .

  24. 在分析和评价我国科技期刊编辑的汉语文字水平现状的基础上,提出了提升我国科技期刊编辑文字素养的途径。

    Based on the analyses and evaluations on the present situation of the Chinese level of editors from sci-tech periodicals , the avenues for improvement are suggested .

  25. 科技教育是智育的主要方面,是教育的重要组成部分,承担着培养具有较高科技素养的劳动者和科技研究人才的双重任务。

    As an important part of education , education of science and technology is the key aspects of intellectual development , it be charge with bring up high quality talents and technology research persons .

  26. 学校风险教育是指以课程或其他教学媒介形式进行的科技风险教育活动,它的基本目标是引导学生正确理解科学的作用,具备科技关涉的责任伦理意识,形成良好的科技风险素养。

    The fundamental objective of school risk education is to guide students to correct understanding of the role of science , make them have the awareness of ethic of responsibility with technology involved and allow them to form good technology risk attainments .