
  1. 论中国山水画与古典园林的关系

    A Preliminary Discussion on Relationship Between Chinese Landscape Painting and Classical Garden

  2. 论述中国山水画与古典园林的文化发展过程。

    The article discusses the culture development of China landscape painting and traditional parks .

  3. 在现代园林启蒙完成之时,重新研讨中国山水画与古典园林,取其精华,去其糟粕,对园林的现代化具有特别的意义。

    It is very meaningful for moder garden to discuss them in order to remain the essence and remove the waste matter when the enlightened movement of modern garden has finished .

  4. 中国山水画与古典园林在漫长的历史发展中形成了相辅相成、密不可分的关系,它伴随山水画的不断发展和成熟,也促进了古典园林的不断完善。

    Chinese landscape paintings and classical gardens in the long history of developing a complementary and inseparable relationship between the landscape it is accompanied by the continuous development and maturity , but also to promote the continuous improvement of classical gardens .

  5. 山水画与中国古典园林表现的都是自然山水,两者理论上极为相通。

    Landscape painting and the performance of Chinese classical gardens are the natural landscape , both in theory , very connected .

  6. 中国传统山水画与中国古典园林始于同源的思想和文化,二者通过不同的艺术形式诠释了中国传统的自然美学观点。

    Chinese traditional landscape painting and Chinese classic gardens date from same original thinking and culture . Both of them express traditional nature aesthetics viewpoint though different art form .

  7. 在华夏几千年的历史沉淀中,中国传统山水画与中国古典园林相互融合,相互补充,相得益彰。

    In the thousand years history of China , Chinese traditional landscape painting precipitate with Chinese classical gardens mutual confluence , complement each other , and bring out the best in each other .

  8. 在我国漫长的历史长河里,中国山水画与中国古典园林的发展有着密切联系,两者的创作一脉相成,相互促进相互发展。

    In our country long history perpetual flow , the Chinese landscape painting and the Chinese classical botanical garden development has the close relation , a both creation venation becomes , promotes to develop mutually mutually .

  9. 本文从研究山水绘画与中国古典园林的历史发展轨迹入手,得知山水画在很大程度上影响着古典园林的发展。

    This article from the study of classical Chinese landscape painting and landscape of the historical development of the track start and was informed that the landscape at a large extent , affect the development of classical gardens .

  10. 模拟自然界的生态系统、植物的生长状况是山水画艺术与中国古典园林艺术的精神归宿。

    Simulating ecosystem and plant growth status in nature is the spiritual home of Chinese landscape painting and Chinese historical gardens .