
  • 网络paper-and-pencil test;paper and pencil test;paper-pencil test
  1. 改变测验方法,把韦氏智力测验中的数字广度个别测验改变成团体纸笔测验。

    AIM : To change digit span test in Wechsler Intelligence Scale from individual test to group test . METHODS : The test form of digit span was changed from oral test to paper-pencil test .

  2. 根据调查发现,迄今我国的中学生物大多数还是通过单一的纸笔测验来评价学生的科学探究能力。

    According to the investigation , the majority of high schools still assess students ' scientific inquire abilities of biology by paper-and-pencil test .

  3. 过去的十年里,计算机化自适应测验(CAT)已经取代纸笔测验(P&P)成为许多大规模标准化测验的考试形式。

    The past decade has seen P & P tests being replaced by CATs within many large-scale standardized testing programs .

  4. 首先介绍了计算机自适应测验的原理和算法,接着对纸笔测验和计算机自适应测验(ComputerizedAdaptiveTest,简称CAT)进行了比较,并详细阐述了两者的异同。

    At first , the article introducer the principle and algorithm of computerized adaptive test ( CAT ), and then compares pencil-and-paper test with computerized adaptive test . The difference and similar points are expounded .

  5. 实验证明我们设计的IAT纸笔测验版本是可行的,优点是高效、经济、方便和实用。

    And that it proved that the IAT we designed was found to be feasible , highly efficient , economical , convenient and practical .

  6. 本研究以性别-职业刻板印象IAT纸笔测验为实验材料和测量工具,安排不同的主试主持实验。

    The study used the IAT paper pencil test of sex occupation stereotype as materials and measurements , and assigned different experimenters to make the experiments .

  7. 目前国内外对认知诊断的研究主要是纸笔测验形式,计算机化自适应测验(CAT)形式下的认知诊断还研究得不多,尤其是国内,具有认知诊断功能的CAT目前尚未见公开报道。

    Nowadays , in domestic or abroad , the study on cognitive diagnosis is mainly applied to Paper and Pencil testing , which is rarely applied to computerized adaptive testing ( CAT ) . CAT with function of cognitive diagnosis has not gone public at home up to now .

  8. 小学数学纸笔测验的改造与开发

    Design and Development on Pencil and Paper Test in Primary Mathematics

  9. 对高中生物纸笔测验改革的思考

    On the reform of written biology examination in senior school

  10. 纸笔测验和计算机自适应测验的比较研究

    Comparison of Pencil - and-paper Test and Computerized Adaptive Test

  11. 记忆广度团体纸笔测验的编制

    Digit span test performed with paper and pencil in groups

  12. 线上测验是否有可能具备与纸笔测验相同评分效力?

    Could On-line Testing have the Same Effects on Scoring as Paper-and-Pencil Testing ?

  13. 纸笔测验是对教学效果最直接、高效的评价方式。

    Written test is the most direct and efficient means to evaluate teaching results .

  14. 小学生阅读能力纸笔测验开发研究

    The Study on the Exploitation of Reading Literacy Paper and Pencil Test of Primary School Students

  15. 新课程理念下初中化学纸笔测验改革的研究

    The Researching about the Reforming of the Chemistry Paper and Pencil Tests in the Junior Middle School

  16. 最后,对纸笔测验和计算机自适应测验的发展趋势作了一些论述。

    The development trend of pencil-and-paper test and computerized adaptive test are discussed in the last part .

  17. 本实验将计算能力的纸笔测验编制成复杂的计算机程序,使测验的刺激呈现、结果记录和数据处理等全山计算机自动控制。

    With an elaborately-worked-out program , a computer automatically controlled the re-cording of results and the processing of datain this experiment .

  18. 适应性测验作为一种测验形式,与传统的纸笔测验形式相比,具有省时、高效等很多优越性。

    Comparing with traditional paper-and-pencil tests , adaptive tests have many advantages , such as saving time , highly efficient , etc.

  19. 本研究通过控制汉字声旁与形旁的结构特征,采用听写纸笔测验考察了小学四年级儿童在汉字字形输出过程中的汉字结构意识。

    By controlling character phonetic and radical parts , the study examined the Chinese character structure awareness in orthographic output of fourth graders .

  20. 结合部分试题,对新课程目标体系下化学纸笔测验进行了探讨。

    Combining some of test questions , we analyzed the paper and pencil tests of the chemistry course in the junior middle school .

  21. 从20世纪60年代至今,很多研究者都在不断开发科学探究能力的纸笔测验。

    60 years from the date of the 20th century , many researchers are constantly developing scientific inquiry ability of pencil and paper tests .

  22. 障碍学生可能无法正常参与以纸笔测验为代表的普通学生学业评价,而需要通过一定的调整来表达自身实际掌握的学业知识和技能。

    Students with handicapped may not participate in the paper and pencil test , and therefore they need some accommodations to express their true academic knowledge and skills .

  23. 以传统封闭式学习活动与题目为主要测试工具的标准化纸笔测验,走过了漫长的发展阶段。

    Standardized Test ( ST ) has gone through a long period more than one century , with traditional closed learning activities and test items in a dominant status .

  24. 讨论了目前国际上通常采用的军官选拔方法:个人档案、纸笔测验、评价中心、结构式评估;

    The paper describes the common various methods of the psychological selection for military officers : Personal Record , Paper-and-Pencil Psychological Instruments , Assessment Centers and Construct-Orientated Psychological Assessment ;

  25. 这些发现表明,为了让所有学生公平地展示科学探究能力,应该综合采用纸笔测验、工作单和现场观察等评价方式。

    These findings indicate that for the sake of fairness for all students to display scientific inquiry abilities , pencilandpaper test , worksheet and spot observation should be comprehensively used .

  26. 纸笔测验作为评价学生学业成就的重要方法,也应按照相应的目标内容进行改革。

    The pencil and paper test is used as to evaluate the important method of the education achievement in student , also should proceed the reformation according to the homologous target contents .

  27. 在教学评价时,传统的纸笔测验仍是主要手段,后面两维目标的评价,缺少权威,科学的评价指标体系。尤其是情感目标似乎是一种装饰的标签。

    Traditional written test is still the primary means of teaching evaluation , lack of authority , scientific evaluation system to after two-dimensional object , Especially emotional goal seems to be a decorative label .

  28. 对以往单凭研究者个人感受、纸笔测验结果、短期临床访谈评价学生探究能力的局限性做法有较大突破。

    It solves the limitations of the practices in the past , by looking at researchers personal feelings , test results , and the methods of students participating in short time inquire activities with clinical interviews .

  29. 三是将信息技术引进中医气质诊断,研制出中医气质测量系统,既解决了量表复杂的加权评分、判断等问题,快速得出计算结果和评估结果,又从测试形式上代替了纸笔测验。

    Thirdly , introduce information technique to TCM Qizhi diagnosis to develope Value system of TCM Qizhi which resolves the problem of complex counts and estimates , still formally , takes the place of paper-pen test .

  30. 内心的理解比表层行为研究、纸笔测验和标准访谈能使对教师教学行为的理解更加深入,这是质的研究的基本假设。

    The basic hypothesis of the qualitative study is that this internal understanding enables a deeper understanding on teachers ' teaching behavior than the surface behavior study , the regular quiz with paper and pen and the standard interview .