
  • 网络paper honeycomb
  1. 瓦楞结构纸蜂窝夹层的动态性能研究

    Study of Dynamic Performance of Paper Honeycomb Sandwich from Corrugated Board

  2. 纸蜂窝结构参数对面外承载能力的影响

    Effects of the Structure Parameters on the Out-Plane Load of Paper Honeycomb

  3. 本文详细介绍了由国产SW-280A/环氧树脂预浸料、SY-24C胶膜和Nomex纸蜂窝组成的中温材料体系蜂窝夹层结构的力学性能。

    In this paper the mechanical properties of moderate temperature material system made by SW-280A / epoxy resin prepreg , SY-24C adhesive and Nomex honeycomb from the local supplier were studied .

  4. 纸蜂窝用氧化淀粉胶粘剂特性及应用

    Function & Application of Oxidized Starch Adhesive for the Honeycomb Cardboard

  5. 酚醛型纸蜂窝浸渍胶的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Phenolic Impregnant Agent Used for Paper Honeycomb

  6. 纸蜂窝结构平压性能的实验研究

    A Study to the Strength to the Paper Honeycomb Core under Axial Compression

  7. 空心光纤用于纸蜂窝结构自修复的研究

    Research on self - repair of paper honeycomb structure with hollow optical fibers

  8. 纸蜂窝产品的性能与发展

    Paper Honeycomb Products : Their Performance and Development

  9. 纸蜂窝芯在家具工业中的应用

    Apply of Paper Honeycomb Core in Furniture Industry

  10. 纸蜂窝面外压缩临界应力是评估纸蜂窝承压性能的一个重要指标。

    Critical compression stress is an important index to evaluate the compression properties of paper honeycombs .

  11. 通过理论计算与实验研究,分析结构参数对纸蜂窝面外承载能力的影响。

    Effects of the structure and material parameters on the strength were investigated by theoretical calculation and experiment .

  12. 分析了纸蜂窝夹层板动静态压缩试验方法及不同结构参数的纸蜂窝夹层板动静态缓冲吸能特性。

    The dynamic and static compression experiment methods and the cushioning properties of paper honeycomb sandwich structures with different structure factors were analyzed .

  13. 引入压缩密实化应变概念,构建了纸蜂窝材料压缩密实化应变评估方程。

    The evaluation equation of compressive densification strain of paper honeycombs is modeled by introducing the instantaneous and relative density of paper honeycombs .

  14. 凯腾公司视质量为生命,严格执行ISO9001:2000国际质量体系标准,努力向顾客提供品质上最好的纸蜂窝产品。

    Kai Teng company sees the quality of life , strict implementation of ISO9001:2000 international quality system standards , and strive to provide the best quality paper honeycomb products .

  15. 本文介绍了纸蜂窝芯的性能、规格,及其在家具行业中的应用前景和用途,纸蜂窝芯制造家具板材的操作方法等。

    This document introduces function and specifications of paper honeycomb core , usage outlook in the furniture trade and using paper honeycomb core to make furniture plate stuff of operative method .

  16. 通过对纸蜂窝结构特性和压缩破坏机理的分析,建立以原纸环压强度为控制的纸蜂窝结构面外载荷理论模型和临界载荷计算方法。

    The structure characteristic and collapse mechanism of paper honeycomb were analyzed . The model and calculating method for determining the out-plane load of paper honeycomb were established based on the ring crush strength of paper .

  17. 蜂窝纸板是近年来应用于运输包装领域的新型环保材料,对纸蜂窝结构的承载与缓冲性能的研究,在工程实践中具有重要价值。

    The honeycomb cardboard is a material applied to the new environmental protection of the transportation and packing field in recent years , the study on the bearing ability of the honeycomb structure and buffering property have important value in project practice .

  18. 在此基础上研究了在铣削条件不变的情况下,纸基蜂窝芯材料高度与Z向变形的关系;

    Then using effective solid model , relationship between deformation of Z direction and height of honeycomb core material was studied under constant machining conditions .

  19. NOMEX纸基蜂窝材料是一种多孔固体结构的短纤维复合材料,具有非均质、各向异性的特点,在加工中大量出现撕裂、压塌、毛刺、芯格变形等问题。

    NOMEX paper-based honeycomb material has the characteristics of the non-homogeneous , anisotropic . A large number of tear , collapse pressure , burr , core grid distortion and other issues appear in processing .

  20. 纸基蜂窝零件装夹系统中自动填料装置的设计

    Automatic feeder design in paper honeycomb parts fixation system

  21. 纸基蜂窝零件固持系统中填料及填充区域优化方法

    Feed and pour region optimization methods in machining fixation system of paper honeycomb parts

  22. 纸基蜂窝芯材料磁场和摩擦吸附固持加工中铁粉填充优化方法的研究

    Study on Injecting-Optimization of Iron Powders in Magnetic Field and Friction Clamping of NRH Honeycomb

  23. 纸基蜂窝零件夹持方法研究

    Study on paper honeycomb position fixation method

  24. 介绍了基于磁场与摩擦学原理的纸基蜂窝零件固持方法。

    The paper honeycomb fixture based on the magnetic field and tribology theory is introduced in a nutshell .

  25. 实践证明,现有固持方法的固持稳定性和可靠性较差,在高速铣削成型过程中无法达到可靠固持纸基蜂窝芯材料的目的。

    Proved by practice , these fixing methods cannot achieve the aim to fix honeycomb core material reliably .

  26. 目前,纸基蜂窝芯零件的成型方法主要是采用高速铣削加工,在高速铣削加工过程中所采用的固持方法都不同程度的使用了粘结材料。

    Adhesive materials are often used , in current fixture methods , to fix honeycomb core material in high speed machining process .

  27. 在我国某型号飞机的研制过程中,纸基蜂窝芯零件的产品合格率很低,严格的讲没有一件产品达到了设计要求。

    During development of a type of fighter plane , shaping of paper honeycomb core parts is too difficult to meet design requirements .

  28. 为了克服这三种固持方法的不足之处,本课题组提出一种基于磁场和摩擦学原理的纸基蜂窝零件的固持理论。

    In order to overcome the shortcoming of current method , a new method based on magnetic and friction force is proposed to clamp the paper honeycomb .

  29. 本章最后提出了一种基于正六边形区域划分的固持点位置确定方法,并且利用这种方法确定了方向舵纸基蜂窝芯零件固持点的位置。

    At last , method for deciding clamping position based on regular hexagon region partition was presented . And clamping position of stab paper honeycomb core part was decided using this method .

  30. 为了解决当前纸基蜂窝零件高速铣削加工夹持方法的可靠性和稳定性较差以及加工精度低的缺点,提出一种基于磁场和摩擦吸附原理的夹持方法。

    A new fixation method , based on magnetic field and friction-clamping , was presented for countering the low reliability , stability and machining precision of the current fixation technique of paper honeycomb .