
zhǐ bēi dàn gāo
  • Cupcake
  1. 对蛋糕的想念促使这家公司于2012年在贝弗利山安装了第一台纸杯蛋糕ATM机。

    That craving inspired the company 's first cupcake ATM in Beverly Hills , Calif. in 2012 .

  2. 试过了也试了纸杯蛋糕香辣汤还有Daniel的女人

    I already did and " cupcake " and " menudo " and " Daniel 's lady .

  3. 烤一些纸杯蛋糕或曲奇饼,然后电影马拉松就可以开始了。

    Bake some cupcakes or cookies , and you 're ready for your movie marathon .

  4. 其中,小老鼠是纸杯蛋糕味,狐狸是新鲜割草味,还有咕噜牛是皮革和农家庭院味。

    They include cupcakes for Mouse , freshly cut grass for Fox , and a leathery barnyard scent1 for the Gruffalo .

  5. 不过,发明第一台纸杯蛋糕ATM机并不像说服消费者使用它那么容易。

    Yet inventing the first cupcake ATM was not as easy as convincing customers to use it .

  6. 一台ATM机吐出的是纸杯蛋糕而不是钞票,这未必会让人发出天才商业点子的惊叹。

    An ATM that spits out cupcakes instead of cash doesn 't necessarily scream genius business idea .

  7. 上周四下午,姐弟俩和爸爸一起在纸杯蛋糕ATM机前排队,和他们一起等候的还有大约40位纸杯蛋糕爱好者。

    The duo stood in line with their father and about 40 other cupcake devotees on Thursday afternoon .

  8. 这些现烤蛋糕由芝加哥纸杯蛋糕生产商Sprinkles手工制作。

    The freshly baked goods are handcrafted by the California-based cupcake shop Sprinkles .

  9. 查尔斯是这个纸杯蛋糕帝国的首席执行官,他不愿透露这些“ATM机”的具体收入。但他说,每台机器每天大约要卖一千个蛋糕。

    Charles , the cupcake empire 's CEO , wouldn 't go into specifics about the revenue earned from Sprinkles ' cupcake machines , but said each ATM serves about 1000 cupcakes per day .

  10. 查尔斯是这个纸杯蛋糕帝国的首席执行官,他不愿透露这些ATM机的具体收入。但他说,每台机器每天大约要卖一千个蛋糕。

    Charles , the cupcake empire 's CEO , wouldn 't go into specifics about the revenue earned from Sprinkles ' cupcake machines , but said each ATM serves about 1,000 cupcakes per day .

  11. 首先,在杜兰特投敌勇士之后,威少在Instagram上晒出了丑陋的纸杯蛋糕(而且明显是针对杜兰特的懦夫行为)。

    First , there was Westbrook 's infamous cupcake Instagram post after Durant bolted for the Golden State Warriors ( and its obvious tie-back to Durant ) .

  12. 一台“ATM机”吐出的是纸杯蛋糕而不是钞票,这未必会让人发出“天才商业点子”的惊叹。不过,这项新奇的发明正在满足美国市场一种很常见的需求,那就是深夜想吃现烤蛋糕的冲动。

    An ATM that spits out cupcakes instead of cash doesn 't necessarily scream " genius business idea . " Nevertheless , the quirky invention is now filling a popular demand in the American market : late-night cravings for freshly baked sweets .

  13. 6月30日,中央公园将竖立一个弹起式的小教堂,提供一名神父和纸杯蛋糕。纽约市市长MichaelBloomberg鼓励人们前往纽约结婚。

    A pop-up chapel will be erected in Central Park on July 30th , providing an officiating person and cupcakes.Michael Bloomberg , New York 's mayor , is encouraging people to come to New York City to get married .

  14. 罗莎(Rochas)的褶皱如同纸杯蛋糕的褶边一样闪亮。纪梵希(Givenchy)的褶皱在美艳的及踝露背裙上与五色缤纷的亮片错综复杂地交织在一起。

    They were cupcake-wrapper shiny at Rochas and intricately embroidered with a rainbow of sequins on stunning ankle-length halter gowns at Givenchy .

  15. 纸杯蛋糕的图形洒满赛场,T恤也是同样的图样——赛后勇士球员顺手带走了几件——纸杯蛋糕的图样是从威斯布鲁克Instagram账号上扒下来的。

    The cupcake cutouts that sprinkled the arena and the T-shirts with the same image - several of which were grabbed by Golden State players after the game - were born from a Westbrook Instagram post .

  16. 杜兰特在投奔金州的第一年就赢下了冠军,而且加冕了总决赛MVP,不久他就穿着一件定制的纸杯蛋糕T恤参加队友贾维尔-麦基的垒球(软球?)活动。

    Durant won a title in his first season with Golden State , and was even named MVP of the Finals , after which he wore a custom-made cupcake hat to teammate JaVale McGee 's celebrity softball game .

  17. 在高耸的CommedesGar?ons北京店的阴影下,看着穿着讲究的消费者排队买精致纸杯蛋糕,很难想象,在40年前,像洗头膏这样的基本商品都可能被谴责为资产阶级的腐朽奢侈。

    Watching well-heeled shoppers queue for designer cupcakes in the shadow of a massive new Comme des Gar ? ons store in Beijing , it 's hard to imagine that a scant 40 years ago , a basic commodity like shampoo might have been denounced as a decadent bourgeois splurge .

  18. 我的纸杯蛋糕让我有种奇怪的感觉。

    I 'm getting a very weird vibe from my cupcake .

  19. 但至于说到实际的工作纸杯蛋糕的制作

    But as far as the actual work and the cupcake making

  20. 根据倍受欢迎的电子游戏“愤怒的小鸟”制作的有趣的纸杯蛋糕。

    Fun cupcakes inspired by the popular video game Angry Birds .

  21. 忍者神龟头像的纸杯蛋糕。

    Cupcakes shaped like the heads of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles .

  22. 没有谁能像凯莉·布拉德肖那样带来一股纸杯蛋糕热。

    Nothing can incur cupcake mania quite like Carrie Bradshaw can .

  23. 我来做纸杯蛋糕你去做课题研究

    I will take the cupcakes . You do the project .

  24. 设想成《大田鸡布偶秀》里的角色的纸杯蛋糕。

    Cupcakes designed to look like characters from the Muppet Show .

  25. 我卖了很多纸杯蛋糕,因为

    Andrew : I sold a lot of cupcakes , because

  26. 人们可以简单地去买个纸杯蛋糕吃,对吧?

    You are still just buying and eating a cupcake , right ?

  27. 根据“超级玛丽”电子游戏设计的惊艳的纸杯蛋糕。

    Amazing cupcakes inspired by Super Mario Bros video games .

  28. 这款别致的纸杯蛋糕设计得就像盛满了热巧克力的杯子。

    Clever cupcakes designed to look like cups filled with hot chocolate .

  29. 一个插着蜡烛的纸杯蛋糕就很浪漫。

    A cupcake with a candle on it is romantic .

  30. 依据星球大战制造的这款借助了奥利奥饼干的纸杯蛋糕。

    Star Wars inspired cupcake made with the help of Oreo cookies .