
jiè dú suǒ
  • Drug rehabilitation center;drug-relief reformatory
  1. 他进了戒毒所。

    He 's gone into detox .

  2. 强制隔离戒毒所内HIV暴露因素及预防策略

    HIV exposure factors and prevention strategies in compulsory isolated detoxification center

  3. 方法采用随机仓号整群抽样Methods,于2003年6月至2005年6月抽取广州市番禺区戒毒所戒毒人员,进行健康教育和行为干预;

    Methods A random cluster sampling method was employed to sample drug abusers in rehabilitation programme in Panyu District Drug Rehabilitation Center , Guangzhou City and to made AIDS health education and behavior intervention .

  4. 广州市某戒毒所戒毒人员HIV、HBV、HCV及梅毒感染状况的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Prevalence of HIV , HBV , HCV and Syphilis in Drug Withdrawal Center in Guangzhou City

  5. 方法:随机整群抽取广西地区戒毒所176名感染HIV的药物依赖者,进行横断面调查,对其一般人口学资料和药物滥用情况进行分析。

    Methods : An investigation was conducted in 176 drug addicts with HIV infection in Guangxi drug rehabilitation centers . The demographic characteristics and drug abuse of the subjects were analyzed .

  6. 方法:由经过训练的专业人员用艾森克(Eysenck)人格问卷对2002年7月-2003年8月在温州市强制戒毒所戒毒的学员进行调查和记录。

    Methods : Drug abusers who were doing detoxification at Wenzhou Compulsory Detoxification Center during July 2002 to August 2003 were investigated with Eysenck Personality Questionnaire , and data were recorded by trained specialists .

  7. 以甘肃省两大戒毒所242例戒毒女性为调查对象,运用自尊量表(TheSelf-EsteemScale-SES,Rasenberg,1965)和背景资料调查问卷,探究影响戒毒女性自尊、人际关系的因素。

    Take the 242 cases of female drug users coming from two big quitting drug place in GanSu province as investigative subjects , apply the Self-esteem Scale and questionnaire of background data to make a survey and explore the factors that affect female drug abstainers ' self-esteem and interpersonal relationship .

  8. 他是个瘾君子,必须去戒毒所。

    He is a crack head and must go to rehab .

  9. 由监狱转往戒毒所命令

    Order of transfer from a prison to an addiction treatment centre

  10. 杰西卡和我一直在想办法送他去戒毒所

    Jessica and I have been helping him get into rehab .

  11. 我们的对手是实力很强的戒毒所队。

    Our opponent is the strong Drug Rehabilitation Center Team .

  12. 所以我把他弄进戒毒所,并且放了路易。

    So I took him to rehab and I let Louie go .

  13. 这位演员曾在去年五月因吸食海洛因进过戒毒所。

    The actor entered rehab last May for snorting heroin .

  14. 出了戒毒所,他乐疯了。

    He was out of rehab , and out of his mind .

  15. 他推荐了一家费城的戒毒所

    He recommended a rehab facility in Philly . Rehab ?

  16. 目的:探讨强制戒毒所心理疗法对戒毒者的康复效果。

    Objective : To explore the effect of psychotherapy on rehabilitation after detoxification .

  17. 地方青年戒毒所也被大量削减。

    Local youth drug services are also being chopped .

  18. 戒毒所我不需要戒毒

    I don 't need to go to rehab .

  19. 推进改革戒毒所管理模式。

    Boost revolution of management mode of drug Detox .

  20. 自愿戒毒所的严格管理

    Strict management of institutes for voluntary abstention from drugs

  21. 广州市强制戒毒所、收容教育所设计

    The Design of Guangzhou Coercive Abstaining from Drug Asylum

  22. 我只在戒毒所待了三天妈妈

    It was 3 days in rehab , Mom .

  23. 杭州市强制隔离戒毒所医务人员心理健康调查分析

    Mental health status of the medical personnel in Hangzhou compulsory isolated detoxification center

  24. 他自己就刚从戒毒所出来

    He just got out of rehab himself .

  25. 所以在戒毒所禁烟的提议似乎是愚蠢的。

    So instituting a tobacco ban at rehab centers would seem like a no-brainer .

  26. 我要先进一家戒毒所。

    I 'm checking into a detox clinic .

  27. 但是法官决定送我们进戒毒所。

    But the judge gives us rehab instead .

  28. 尼基刚从戒毒所出来。

    Nikki just got out of rehab .

  29. 从治疗机构(戒毒所等)出来后,没有人需要寻求临时住所。

    Nobody should have to seek temporary accommodation after release from treatment in an institution .

  30. 大连市某戒毒所青少年滥用苯丙胺类药物情况的调查分析

    The Investigation and Analysis on Amphetamines by the Youngster in the Institution for Compulsory Detoxification