
jiè shèn
  • be wary of;guard against
戒慎 [jiè shèn]
  • [vigilant and prudent] 警惕而审慎

  • 自不戒慎。--《广东军务记》

  1. 大雁妈妈戒慎小心在草丛中抱蛋。

    The alerted mama Canada goose sits in the thickets .

  2. 甘道夫,我们已经生活在四百年一个得来不易,戒慎恐惧的和平之中。

    Gandalf , for 400 years we have lived in peace a hard-won watchful peace .

  3. 王充认为道德仁义是天道应有之义,人应戒慎恐惧、依仁义道德行事。

    Wang Chung thought morals and righteousness is embodied in the nature itself , human should warn against fear , and act in accordance with morality .

  4. 其主要特色就是戒慎恐惧,通过道德修养,从而变化气质。第五部分介绍邹守益与同门之间学术之辩。

    The feature is " cautious and fear " through moral cultivation , as to change temperament ; Part five introduce the academic debates between the Yangming scholars .

  5. 艺术家带著我们面对对于未来的不安和不确定,在空间焦虑与戒慎恐惧之中,诚实的面对自己。

    The artist makes us face our unease and uncertainty about the future , he makes us honestly face ourselves in an environment of spatial anxiety and fear .

  6. 往圣先贤引领的文化主流思潮为敬畏心理,透露出戒慎危惧的心情,要使危惧的心情归于宁平,深知忽略了戒惧就会倾覆,这种道理甚为伟大。

    Saint-sages leading to the cultural mainstream of thought as a fear of mental , revealing severe reactions apprehensive mood , make the apprehensive feelings attributed to Ninh Binh , well aware of neglect JIE JU will overturn this truth is very great .