
  • 网络self-monitoring;Self-supervision;self-regulation
  1. 20年来我一直在阅读有关自我监督的研究报告,而且自己也做过一些研究。

    I 've been reading research studies on self-monitoring for20 years , and I 've conducted some myself .

  2. 政党自我监督是政党自身建设的基本内容和政党发展的重要保障。

    The self-monitoring of political parties is the basic content of their own construction and an important guarantee for development of political parties .

  3. 这是因为孩子们知道自我监督对他们来说是很困难的。

    This is because kids know that self-monitoring can be difficult .

  4. 没人会再相信一份小报的主编能够自我监督。

    No-one trusts a tabloid editor to guard himself anymore .

  5. 你为什么不愿意在自我监督下工作?

    Why would you prefer not to work under your own supervision ?

  6. 会计、审计单一自我监督问题。

    The unitary self - check of accounting and auditing by the government .

  7. 一般行政监督,是行政系统进行自我监督的方式之一。

    General Administrative Supervision is one of the self-supervising methods of administrative system .

  8. 这些选择可能需要调整根据个人的自我监督检查。

    Those choices may need to be adjusted according to the individual 's self-monitoring tests .

  9. (中国此项计划)主要依靠自我监督,而没有外部检查。

    [ The Chinese scheme ] mainly relies on self-supervision . There are no external checks .

  10. 自我监督、自我诊断、自我管理健康:别依赖专家。

    Self-monitor , self-diagnose , and self-manage your health : Don 't rely on the experts .

  11. 因此,建立起一个有效的自我监督、自我约束机制,是高校为获得更好的生存和发展环境,保护自我利益不受损害而无法回避的选择。

    Therefore it is an inevitable selection for colleges to set up self-supervised and self-limited mechanism effectively .

  12. 该体系的构建与完善将使民航的安全管理逐步实现自我监督和自我完善。

    The construction and improvement of the system will enable the safety management of civil aviation self-monitoring and self-improvement .

  13. 老实说,我仍未完全弄懂,为何自我监督这种方法行之有效,但它确实有效,而且对多数人都效果显著。

    I still don 't fully understand why this technique works , but it does , and remarkably well for most people .

  14. 重构注册会计师审计监管机制的设想是:完善政府监管机制和行业自我监督机制,从制度上规范注册会计师审计执业行为。

    The solution is to improve the government supervision mechanism and industry self-supervision mechanism , thus standardizes the CPA audit professional conduct .

  15. 当代女大学生形体锻炼的误区及对策谈谈形体锻炼中合理膳食与自我监督

    Misconception of body shape building exercises of modern university girl students and countermeasures ; A Balanced Diet And Self-discipline In Physical Exercise

  16. 现在新的监管方法目的在于鼓励那些公司进行自我监督,并对他们采取坦白从宽的政策。

    The new approach is designed to encourage companies to police themselves , by punishing them only lightly when they turn themselves in .

  17. 行政复议在实现行政机关内部自我监督的同时,成为行政相对人可选的争议解决方式之一。

    The administrative reconsideration in realizing administrative organs internal self monitoring , and become the administrative relative person optional dispute resolution one way .

  18. 你会感觉到声带随着音调的变化而上下起伏,这样就可以自我监督,慢慢提高。

    You 'll feel your vocal chords rise and fall with your pitch and you 'll be able to monitor your own progress .

  19. 而绩效评价是企业战略管理不可缺少的工具和手段,是企业自我监督、自我提高的过程。

    And the performance evaluation is indispensable tools and instruments of corporate strategic management ; is the corporate self-monitoring and self-improvement of the process .

  20. 提出自我监督概念来解释在自我呈现中的个体差异,并编制出一个25项目的自我监督量表来测量这种差异。

    Snyder ( 1974 ) developed the self-monitoring to intergrate the individual difference in self-presentation , and developed a25 items scale to measure the difference .

  21. 但是,对于环境公益受到政府行为侵害的情形,除了寄希望于政府的自我监督和纠正外,并无其他的补救途径。

    However , for environmental welfare by the government acts against the case , except on government oversight and self-correcting , there is no other remedy .

  22. 完善干部监督机制,将自我监督、上级监督、群众监督、财经纪律监督和组织部门的日常管理和监督等有机结合起来。

    And perfect the mechanism of supervision so as to combine self-supervision and the daily supervision from higher authorities , the masses , financial department and organization department .

  23. 心血管病患者进行运动应坚持适宜运动、循序渐进、经常性、自我监督及区别对待的原则。

    During exercise , the patients with cardiovascular diseases should persist in the principles of suitable exercise , step by step , usually , self-supervision and differential treatment .

  24. 为了适应这些变化,企业需要利用完善的内部控制制度对企业业务活动进行自我监督和自我调节,从而规避经营风险。

    In order to adapt to these changes , enterprises should use a perfect internal control system to carry on business activities of self-supervision and self-regulation to avoid operation risks .

  25. 如果说这样的方法听起来颇为荒唐,请记住:自我监督的力量已在40年来所进行的各种研究中得到了证实。

    If techniques like this sound silly , keep in mind that the power of self-monitoring has been demonstrated by a variety of research conducted over the last four decades .

  26. 内部审计是现代企事业制度下自我监督、自我约束的重要组成部分,是建立和完善法人治理结构的内在需要。

    The interior audit is an important component of self-supervising , self-control under the modern enterprising system , and is the interior requirement of setting up and improving the corporation management structure .

  27. 东南路易斯安那大学的索尼亚卡尔和新奥尔良教师丽贝卡庞佐在研究过情绪失常儿童后发表报告称,自我监督能改善这些孩子在阅读、数学和拼写方面的学习表现。

    Working with emotionally disturbed children , Sonya Carr of southeastern Louisiana University and Rebecca punzo , a New Orleans teacher reported that self-monitoring improves academic performance in reading , mathematics and spelling .

  28. 其次介绍了税务行政复议的功能,其中包括保护纳税人合法权利的功能;税务机关自我监督的功能;减少行政诉讼的诉累。

    Then introduces the function of the tax administrative review , including the function of protecting the legitimate rights of taxpayers : the tax authorities of self-monitoring function : reduce administrative proceedings v. tired .

  29. 本次改革加强了检察机关逮捕权的自我监督,保证了审查决定逮捕的质量,是一项优化司法职权配置,保证检察机关独立公正行使检察权的重要举措。

    This new reform in optimizing the allocation of judicial and ensuring the fair and independent procuratorial authority for procuratorate was an important measure which strengthened the self-supervision of arrest and ensured the quality of arrest .

  30. 在俯卧撑的素质练习中,实验组与对照组相比其成绩具有显著性的差异。让每个学生根据其身体素质情况,自己制定标准,自我监督,逐渐培养学生的终身体育观念。

    In pushup exercise , the experimental students make significance differences of results with others , which makes each student make their own standard according to their own condition , self-supervision , and fostering their lifelong concept of PE .