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  • free energy change
  1. TiC涂层反应标准吉布斯自由能变化的计算及其绘图

    Calculation and Plotting of Standard Gibbs Free Energy Change for TiC Coating Reaction

  2. 根据以上公式ΔG(bind)近似相当于抑制剂从水环境到蛋白环境的自由能变化。

    In the case , △ Gbind approximately equals to the free energy change of inhibitor from water environment to protein environment .

  3. 吡啶衍生物的分子结构、保留指数与偏摩尔自由能变化△G值的关联&预测保留指数的一种新方法

    The Correlation of Molecular Structure and Retention Index with the Change of Partial Molar Free Energy ( AAAAG ) of Pyridine Derivatives & A New Method of Predicting Retention Index

  4. 利用溶液热力学理论,研究了(Ti,Fe)AlC体系钢铁基复合材料可能的反应产物的吉布斯自由能变化。

    The variation of Gibbs free energy in steel matrix composite of ( Ti , Fe ) - Al-C system was studied on the basis of solution thermodynamics theory .

  5. 测定了结合常数(Ka)和自由能变化(△G°),结果表明,所有的分子钳受体与所考察的客体分子均形成1∶1型超分子配合物。

    The association constant ( K_a ) and Gibbs free energy changes (△ G °) have been calculated . The results show that all the molecular tweezers ( 1 ~ 7 ) can form 1 ∶ 1 inclusion complexes with guest molecules .

  6. 利用Nernst方程推导出了描述pH值变化对吉布斯自由能变化ΔG的影响的方程式;并结合已有的研究成果,总结了实际工程中的具体控制条件。

    The equation describing the effect of pH variation on Gibbs free energy variation Δ G is derived using Nernst equation , and the specific control conditions in engineering are summed up according to the present research achievements .

  7. 测定了NH4~+-K~+、NH4~+-Ag~+两个体系在浙江省缙云县岱石口的天然丝光沸石和合成丝光沸石上的离子交换平衡等温线,并计算出其热力学平衡常数Ka和标准自由能变化△G~0。

    In this paper , ion exchange equilibrium isotherms for natural mordenite ( Jinyun Xian , Zhejiang province ) and synthetic mordenite in ammonium-potassium and ammonium-silver systems along with the calculated thermodynamic equilibrium constant and Gibb 's free energy change ⊿ G ° are presented .

  8. 利用Langmuir参数计算了吸附标准自由能变化ΔG0.计算结果表明,ΔG0具有加和性,即化合物的ΔG0是组成该化合物各基团贡献之总和。

    The change of standard free energy Δ G 0 in adsorption process was calculated from Langmuir parameters . The calculated results showed that each functional group can be assumed to make its own contribution to Δ G 0 of a molecule .

  9. 自从Urey(1947)以来,人们提出了许多计算模式,但绝大多数模式都是以还原配分函数比作为出发点,以自由能变化为基础。

    Have been proposed since Urey ( 1947 ) and most of them are based on the change in free energy and calculated from the reduced partition function ratios .

  10. 分析认为,钎料在陶瓷上的浸润性不仅取决于活性组元与陶瓷之间反应的标准自由能变化ΔG0,还与活性组元在钎料中的存在状态有关。

    It was considered that the wetting of ceramics by liquid metal depended not only on the standard free energy change of Δ G 0 of the reaction between the active element and ceramic , but on the existent state of the active element in the braze .

  11. 推导出了实验条件下吸附自由能变化的计算公式。

    The equation of free energy change for adsorption was derived .

  12. 溅射-氟碳高分子膜在空气中的结构和表面自由能变化

    Chemical change of fluorocarbon films prepared by sputtering in air

  13. 帘线钢夹杂物成分控制的最小自由能变化模型

    Minimum free-energy change model for controlling inclusion components in tire cord steel

  14. 确定了木材的酯化和接枝共聚改性对木材表面自由能变化的影响因素。

    The effects of esterification and graft copolymerization on surface free energy of wood were analyzed .

  15. 在所有测定的温度范围内,吉氏自由能变化的递变顺序为Cu~(2+)

    At all the temperatures studied , the Gibbs free energy changes increase in the Order Cu2 +

  16. 测定了分离过程的熵变、焓变和自由能变化。

    Changes of entropy , enthalpy and Gibbs free energy in the process of imprinted - separation were analyzed .

  17. 本文用基团贡献法计算了该反应体系的反应热、吉布斯自由能变化、化学反应平衡常数。

    The reaction heat , Gibbs free energy change and equilibrium constant of the reactions are calculated by methods of group contribution .

  18. 以相变过程中的潜热做为均匀铁电体顺电态转变为铁电态自由能变化的近似值。

    The latent heat was used as the free energy change of uniform ferroelectrics in transition from paraelectric state to ferroelectrics state .

  19. 作者讨论了石墨转化为金刚石时的自由能变化和影响金刚石保存的物理化学因素。

    This paper discussed the change of free-energy while graphite transforming into diamond and the physical-chemical factors affecting the preservation of diamond .

  20. 同时研究了络合物的缔合常数,探讨了衍生化反应的自由能变化及机理。

    Furthermore , the association constant of derivative complex was studied . Standard free energy changes and the mechanism of derivatization reaction were explored .

  21. 结果表明:该反应为放热反应,其吉布斯自由能变化为负值,2,6-二异丙基苯酚可望得到较高的平衡转化率。

    The results show that this reaction is exothermic , and the reaction △ G is negative , and high equilibrium conversion x of2,6-diisopropylphenol is expectable .

  22. 介绍了热力学研究的概况,并通过计算界面自由能变化最小来控制和预测粒子的形态。

    A thermodynamic equilibrium was introduced by calculating the interfacial Gibbs free energy change , which can be used to control and predict the morphology of particles .

  23. 基于此模型,我们定量地测量了整个过程的速率常数,从而构建了其中的自由能变化。

    Based on this model , we quantitatively measured all rate constants that are involved in this process , from which the free energy profile is constructed .

  24. 反应体系中各独立反应的吉布斯自由能变化分析表明,较低的反应温度对C1~C5醇的生成有利。

    Analysis of standard Gibbs free energy changes of every independent reaction in this system indicated that lower reaction temperatures were of advantage to formation of C_1-C_5 alcohols .

  25. 采用热力学方法研究了温度对包合反应的影响,计算了包合过程的熵变、焓变及自由能变化;

    The effect of temperature on the reaction was studied through thermodynamics , and the change of entropy , enthalpy and free energy of the reaction were calculated .

  26. 强调要把元素的金属性与单质的金属性活动性区分开,并分别用电离势和反应的自由能变化(或标准电极电势)来衡量。

    Emphasizes the distinguishment of elementary metallicity from metallic activity of elements which should be respectively measured by ionization potential and free energy change of reaction ( or standard electrode potential ) .

  27. 通过建立热力学可能的反应模型,分别计算了高温下镁及镁合金与一些金属氧化物和非氧化物反应的自由能变化,并用自由能判据分析了这些反应发生的可能性。

    The Gibbs free energy changes of the reactions of magnesium and its alloy with some materials were calculated at high temperature . The possibilities of the reactions were analyzed by free energy criterion .

  28. 将微量杂质对再结晶的阻碍作用转化为再结晶自由能变化,从而建立微量杂质作用下的能量转化模型。

    The influence of trace impurities on the recrystallization was analyzed with the energy conversion model , in which the drag force of impurity atoms is converted into the free energy change during recrystallization .

  29. 第一,通过热力学计算,稀土元素在组装过程中的自由能变化均为负值。因此,稀土能够通过化学键合吸附于基底形成稀土自组装薄膜。

    Some significant original results have been obtained . Firstly , the variation value of the rare earth , free energy is negative in self-assembly processes by thermodynamic calculation , therefore RE can chemically adsorb on the substrate .

  30. 发现对于不含吡啶盐基团的聚丙烯非织造布表面,粘附过程中的自由能变化越负,对粘附细菌越有利;

    The result showed that when there was no pyridinium groups in the surface of PP nonwoven cloth , the more negative the change of free energy in the adhesion process was , the more advantageous the adhesion to bacterial cells was .