
  • 网络join;NATURAL JOIN
  1. 嵌套关系数据模型中的自然连接运算

    On the Natural Join Operation of the Nested Relational Data Model

  2. 基于散列表存储结构的两关系自然连接算法设计

    An Arithmetic of Nature Link between Two Relation based on Hashing Table

  3. 光是空间的灵魂,是人与空间、实体、自然连接的纽带。

    The light is the spatial soul , is a tie that person take with space , entity , nature conjunction .

  4. 科学研究者一直认为烷基硫酯是自然化学连接反应发生的不可缺少的一部分。

    Scientific research workers think that the alkyl thioester is an indispensable part in native chemical ligation .

  5. 自然化学连接反应在蛋白质化学全合成中得到了广泛地应用。该方法能够在温和的水溶液中高效地实现肽片段的连接,从而生成天然或者非天然的蛋白质。

    Currently the most important method in the field of chemical synthesis of protein is native chemical ligation , which can efficiently condense peptide segments in aqueous solutions under mild conditions to generate natural as well as non-natural proteins .

  6. 或是解释此句式在文章中是如何自然顺畅地连接上下文的。

    Or interpretation of this sentence in the article is how to naturally smooth connection context .

  7. 除去第一章所讨论的连结形式外,女性和自然形成的连接还源于男性统治下二者所处的相同地位。

    Apart from the connection mentioned in chapter one , women and nature are also linked by their similar condition of being oppressed in a male-dominated world .

  8. 等电位联结也可不与人工或自然接地体连接的,成为不接地的等电位联结。

    Equipotential connection may not connect with the manual or natural earthing to become earth-free equipotential connection .

  9. 是雕塑家通过各种要素的组合表达雕塑家对于自然的理解,连接人与自然、人与社会联系的中介&一种感性沟通的桥梁,一种寄托雕塑家情意的载体。

    A sculptor by various combinations of elements is expression sculptor understanding of nature , connection between man and nature , man and society intermediary between a kind of perceptual bridges , a sustenance sculptor complex carrier .

  10. 文章通过对商品流通这一概念逐步分析的方法,剖析了商品流通的多层次内涵,并得出其作为社会经济的运行方式以及作为人与自然、社会的连接方式的最新认识。

    The concept of commodity circulation is analyzed progressively in this paper , and its essence is also clearly dissected , thus providing the latest knowledge that social economy performs on the basis of commodity circulation , which is also the connection among human beings , society and nature .