
  • 网络Self compiled textbooks;self-designed teaching material
  1. 从自编教材看专科高等数学的改革思路

    From Compiling a Teaching Material to See the Thinking of Reform on Higher Mathematics

  2. 加快田径教材的更新,并积极编写具有学校特色的自编教材。

    And accelerate the athletics teaching , and actively writing has updated characteristic of school books .

  3. 本文建议经济数学教学大纲要分层次,并鼓励教师自编教材,允许不同风格的教材进行交流与创。

    The author raises that the teachers should compile teaching material , and establish the interchange system of teaching material of the deferent styles .

  4. 提出了进一步推进国际经济学双语教学的建议,例如增加学时、采用多媒体及自编教材等。

    Some suggestions such as increasing time of teaching , adopting multimedia and self-compiling textbook are proposed to further promote bilingual teaching of international economics .

  5. 学校自编教材,通过儿歌,歌舞表演,游戏,手工,绘画,拼图拼字等多种形式进行教学。

    Teach with the materials compiled by school . A lot of multi media material , with songs , games , drawing , puzzle , dancing and handcraft .

  6. 第二,可由教师按照所开课程的教学要求和目的自由选取教材,甚至可由教师按教学意图自编教材。

    Second , teachers can select teaching material according to offered courses ' teaching requirement and aim , and draw up teaching material himself according to teaching intention .

  7. 新中国成立后,中医院校的自编教材开始将肝藏血主疏泄作为肝的主要生理功能进行介绍,使其成为一个颇有影响的概念。

    After the founding of new China , editing the teaching material of TCM colleges began to the theory as the main physiological function of liver , has become a very influential concept .

  8. 目前高职院校自编教材存在很多问题,如同一门课程教材的编写在不同学校各行其是;

    At present , there exist many problems in the construction of teaching materials in higher vocational schools , for example , the lack of unified teaching materials for the same curriculum in different schools ;

  9. 因此,在教材建设中,应健全相应的教材评估体系,鼓励自编教材,教材选用突出高职高专教育特点,增强教材建设的自主性。

    Therefore , in the construction of teaching materials , the evaluation system of teaching materials should be optimized , the selection of teaching materials should stand out the characteristics of higher vocational education , enhance the independence of teaching materials construction .

  10. 学习内容为全国统编教材或自编教材,采用集中、分散的教学形式,40.70%的运动员不适应教材的内容,31.93%的运动员不能完成大纲的要求;

    The study contents are nationwide unified-compile teaching material or self-compile teaching material , and use the centralism and the disperser teaching form for the national series . There are 40.70 percent of athletes unsuitable contents of teaching materials and 31.93 percent of athletes cannot complete the request for outline .

  11. 该方法包括:①挑选教师,自编英语教材;

    The methods include 1.choosing teacher and compiling textbook of physiology in English ;

  12. 会场右侧,摆满的是伦敦商务孔子学院自编系列教材和自制音像资料。

    On the right side of the room were a series of teaching materials and audio-visual materials independently produced by CIBL .

  13. 在任务型教学法试点班,38位学生,笔者运用自编的新教材,采用新的教学组织方法,并运用过程与结果并重的方式来评价学生的学习效果。

    In the experimental task-based teaching approach class , the author uses the new self-prepared teaching materials and new methods of teaching organization , and evaluates the effect of students ' learning through combining the process and result .

  14. 它极大地打开了国人的眼界,不仅促进了五段教学法在中国的推广与应用,而且激发了国人自编教育学教材的热情,对近代中国教育理论和实践产生了深远的影响。

    Herbart School educational theory is not only to promote " five formal steps " in China , but also to inspire the enthusiasm of writing education materials , it has a profound impact on the modern educational theory and practice in China .