
  1. 关于初中分流教育改革的再思考

    Second Thought on Reform in Junior Middle School Divergence

  2. 宽口径、大基础、后分流医学教育模式的初步探索

    A preliminary study on a new medical educational mode : Broad specialty , large basis and later distribution

  3. 接着从刑事案件处置的分流和教育矫正犯罪嫌疑人及弥补我国起诉制度之角度阐述了我国设立暂缓起诉制度的必要性。

    Then , to explain the imperative of the establishment of deferred prosecution through disposal of criminal cases and education correction of the suspect and the reparation of the perspective of the prosecution system .

  4. 高等教育合理分流与高等教育结构调整

    On the Rational Seperation and Structural Adjustment of Higher Education

  5. 教育分流与中等职业教育的发展

    Educational stratification and middle vocational education development

  6. 高等教育分流结构是高等教育系统中学生分流进入的不同层次、不同类型、不同形式、不同区域的高校的比例构成与纵横联接方式。

    The split flow structure of higher education reflects the percentages and connection modes of students entering universities and colleges which are different in level , type , mode and area .

  7. 从提高认识、合理定位、合理分流、强化就业教育和指导、提高学生综合素质和就业竞争力等方面进行研究,为提高就业率和人才培养质量提供借鉴。

    This paper is to research from deepening the understanding , making a rational reservation , shunting , strengthening career education and guiding , improving student 's overall qualities and employment competitiveness etc. , and offer reference to improve employment rate and personnel training quality .

  8. 但由于受传统观念等因素的影响,初中教育分流效果并不理想,农村初中生对职业教育的认可与分流过程中的行为形成极火的反差,在分流时选择职业教育的的愿意很弱。

    Affected by factors such as the traditional concept of secondary education diversion effect is not ideal , rural junior high school vocational education in the behavior of the process of recognition and streaming in sharp contrast , shunt , choice of occupation , education , willing to weak .