
  • 网络Decomposition Techniques;SDA;Variance decomposition
  1. 基于BP神经网络和分解技术的汽轮机叶片可靠性反求设计

    A Reliability Reverse-solution-seeking Design of Steam Turbine Blades Based on BP ( Back Propagation ) Neural Network and Decomposition Techniques

  2. GDP数据分解技术中运用最多的技术是H-P滤波法。

    GDP data decomposition techniques using the highest technology is HP Filter .

  3. XML文档分解技术及文档存取模型

    XML Document Structure Analysis and XML Access Model

  4. N2O催化分解技术在处理己二酸尾气中的应用

    The Application of N_2O Catalytic Technology in Abatement Adipic Acid Off-Gas

  5. 基于XML的业务指令分解技术研究

    Instruction Decomposition Technology Based on XML

  6. 经验模态分解技术在SAR干涉图滤波中的应用

    A SAR Interferogram Filter Based on the Empirical Mode Decomposition Method

  7. 线性规划有效集法的LU分解技术

    The Lu - decomposition technique for the active set method of linear Progrmming

  8. AutoCAD中汉字的分解技术

    Research of Chinese Resolution Technique in AutoCAD

  9. 对PLA二级分解技术中输入变量划分的最小切割法的研究

    A Study on Min-cut Algorithm of input Variation Partition for PLA Two-stage Decomposition

  10. 本文演示了使用分解技术将业务流程与SOA体系结构保持一致的业务流程模式。

    This article demonstrated business process patterns that use a decomposition technique to align business processes with an SOA architecture .

  11. DB29XML分解技术使用XML模式中的注释作为将XML文档中的信息映射到关系表中的映射语言。

    DB2 9 XML shredding technology uses annotations in XML schema as the mapping language to map information in an XML document to relational tables .

  12. 利用小波包分解技术对信号进行分析,得到有效的特征量作为BP神经网络的输入样本,并对网络进行学习训练,完成对刀具磨损状态的有效识别。

    The selected features are then considered as inputs to BP neural network to complete recognition of the status of the cutting tool .

  13. 舰船总体RMS指标分解技术研究

    Research of decomposition technique for total ship RMS index

  14. Navierstokes方程求解采用LUSGS分解技术。

    The Navier Stokes equations are solved by using the LU SGS factorization technique .

  15. 通过H2范数和谱分解技术方法得到最优跟踪性能的显示表达式。

    The display expression of optimal tracking performance is obtained by H2 norm and spectral factorization technique .

  16. 部分相关ML算法首先利用子空间分解技术动态跟踪多径信道变化,再实时计算出最佳相关长度用于码元定时和频率偏差估计。

    The partial correlation algorithm tracks maximum multipath length by subspace decomposition and calculates optimal correlation length subsequently for symbol timing and frquency offset estimation .

  17. 同时利用方差分解技术,考察不同货币政策工具变量冲击对国内生产总值GDP的影响及其贡献率的大小。

    Further , we use variance decomposition technology to examine the contribution-rate to the fluctuation of GDP caused by the shock of different instrumental variables .

  18. 在本系列中,您将了解一项新的分解技术,以帮助您指定与面向服务的体系结构(Service-orientedarchitecture,SOA)一致的业务流程。

    In this series , learn about a new decomposition technique that can help you specify business processes that are aligned with a Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) .

  19. 将ROM分解技术应用于基于偏移二进制编码技术的分布式DCT实现,得出了一种分布式运算实现DCT变换的新方法。

    By ap - plying the ROM decompose on the OBC technique , we proposed a new distributed arithmetic for DCT design .

  20. 我们应用区域分解技术,通过调用MPI库,开发了加卸载响应比的时空扫描的并行程序。

    Adopting the technology of domain decomposition and parallelizing using MPI , we developed a new parallel tempo-spatial scanning program .

  21. 本文提出在ASIC综合技术中基于标准单元库的多级逻辑函数分解技术。

    The decomposition of multilevel logic functions based on standard cell libraries used in ASIC synthesis is presented in the paper .

  22. 利用信号子空间分解技术,不仅可以分离3D地震资料中的信号和噪声,而且可以进一步根据地震同相轴的倾角不同,将混合信号进行分解得到单个同相轴信号。

    By exploiting the SSD technique , we can decompose not only the signal and noise in 3-D seismic data , but also the composite event into single events according to their different dips .

  23. 该文提出应用基于QR分解技术的最小二乘格形插值算法-QRD-LSL插值算法来抑制直扩系统中的窄带干扰;

    An improved QRD-LSL interpolation algorithm based on QR-Decomposition is proposed for Narrow-Band-Interference ( NBI ) suppression in DSSS .

  24. 谱分解技术在QL油田小断层识别与解释中的应用

    Application of spectral factorization in recognition and interpretation of minor faults in QL oilfield

  25. 利用Lyapunov函数法和大系统分解技术,得到了所讨论系统的若干个绝对稳定性判别准则。

    By using the method of Lyapunov functions and the decomposition techniques of large-scale systems , some absolute stability criterions of this kind of systems were obtained .

  26. 以IEEE检验系统为例,通过数值试验将多波前算法与电力系统分析中常用的稀疏三角分解技术进行对比分析。

    The performance of multifrontal method is evaluated and compared with direct sparse factorization method through load flow calculation and transient stability simulation using IEEE benchmark data .

  27. Benders分解技术在输电网络规划中的应用

    Application of Benders Decomposition Technology in Electric Transmission Network Planning

  28. 基于小波包频带分解技术提出了信号浮动阈值滤波算法,指出该方法相对于Fourier频谱分析技术,对非平稳信号消噪具有更好的效果。

    The floating threshold filter technique based on the frequency band decomposition of the wavelet packet transformation , which is superior to the Fourier spectrum analyze method for non-stationary signal denoising , is presented .

  29. 本文将介绍一项流程分解技术,可用于指定与基于SOA的目标体系结构紧密一致的流程模型,从而让您的流程模型表现出与所实现的解决方案更好的对应性。

    This article explores a process-decomposition technique that lets you specify process models which are closely aligned to an SOA-based target architecture , so your process models show better fidelity to the solution being implemented .

  30. 通过应用非递归结构和部分多相分解技术对CIC抽取滤波器的结构进行分解,得出一个能实现任意抽取因子的改进的CIC抽取滤波器的实现结构。

    Based on non-recursive architecture and partial-polyphase architecture , modified CIC filters with any decimation factors of product can be structured with multi-rate efficient architecture .