
  • 网络DISPERSE BLUE;RRL;Serilene Blue CB-LS
  1. 分散蓝79在超临界CO2中的溶解特性及染色行为

    Solubility and dyeing performance of disperse blue 79 in supercritical carbon dioxide

  2. 以活性红X-3B和分散蓝2BLN染料为对象进行超声降解实验。

    Ultrasonic degradation reactive red X-3B and disperse blue 2BLN dyestuff in aqueous solution were studied .

  3. 用聚合分相法,在E-7液晶中掺入二色性液晶分散蓝,制成聚合物分散液晶膜。

    Polymer dispersed liquid crystalline ( PDLC ) films containing dichroic dye were prepared by the polymerization of HEMA , BMA and E 7 incorporated with dichroic dye under UV irradiation .

  4. 研究了白色导电PET纤维用分散蓝2BLN和分散红3B染色的工艺及其染色性能;

    Dyeing process and dyeing behaviors of the white conductive PET fiber using disperses Blue 2BLN and disperses Red 3B were discussed .

  5. 改性锰矿在光催化氧化分散蓝2BLN染液中的作用

    Photocatalytic Oxidation of Dispersed Blue-2bln Dyestuff in Modified Manganese Ore Suspension

  6. 毛细管电泳法测定印染废水中分散蓝2BLN的含量

    Determination of disperse blue 2BLN in dyeing wastewater by capillary electrophoresis

  7. 分散蓝2BLN染料的二氧化氯氧化脱色研究

    Study on decolorization of disposal blue 2BLN by chlorine dioxide

  8. 天然锰矿-次氯酸钠光催化氧化处理分散蓝2BLN废水

    Photocatalytic Oxidation Treatment Disperse Blue 2BLN Wastewater by Natural Manganese Minerals and Sodium Hypochlorite

  9. 树脂吸附法处理分散蓝NKF脱磺母液

    Treatment of Dispersed Blue NKF Desulfonation Wastewater by Resin Adsorption

  10. 用本实验制备的甲醛环氧氯丙烷交联壳聚糖树脂对酸性绿6B、直接耐晒黄RL、分散蓝56三种染料进行吸附性能、吸附动力学和热力学研究。

    The adsorbability , adsorption kinetics and adsorption thermodynamics to acid green 6B , direct fast yellow RL and disperse blue 56 by the new resin were studied in this paper .

  11. 对NDA9大孔吸附树脂吸附法处理分散蓝NKF生产过程中产生的脱磺母液(废水)进行了研究。

    The treatment of dispersed blue NKF desulfonation wastewater by macroporous resin NDA 9 adsorption has been studied .

  12. 染料浓度(owf)相同时,分散蓝E-4R对不同组织织物的光泽度影响是一致的;

    The luster of polyester fabric of being dyed with disperse bule E-4R has the same change to the different weaves .

  13. 采用天然锰矿和次氯酸钠在紫外光的照射下处理分散蓝2BLN废水,探讨了影响水溶液中分散蓝2BLN染料的光催化降解的各种影响因素。

    In the exist of natural manganese minerals , sodium hypochlorite and UV irradiation , different kinds of factors on influencing disperse blue 2BLN wastewater degradation were discussed .

  14. 水性聚氨酯-分散蓝14高分子染料的合成与性能

    Synthesis and characterization of a novel aqueous dispersion polyurethane-disperse Blue 14

  15. 超声强化臭氧氧化分散蓝染料废水的研究

    Study on the ozonation of 2BLN dyes with ultrasonic enhancement

  16. 分散蓝14皂洗变色现象。

    Disperse Blue 14 was observed in this paper .

  17. 水体中分散蓝染料的光降解

    Photodegradation of Disperse Blue 26 Dye in Water

  18. 改善双组分分散蓝染料的高温分散性研究

    An Improvement on High Temperature Dispersivity of the Disperse Blue Dyes with Two Components

  19. 活性分散蓝BRDD的合成

    Synthesis of Blue Reactive and Disperse Dyes

  20. 分散蓝14颜色的影响,同时结合色度参数和反射率曲线考察了棉织物上C。

    Combined with chromatic parameters and reflectance curve , the appearance of color - change after soaping of C.

  21. 分散蓝56微胶囊粒径平均值为36.3μm,中值24.87μm。

    Disperse Blue 56 microcapsules were prepared , their particle diameter average values and medians were 13.53 μ m and 8.732 μ, m , 36.3 μ m and 24.87 μ m respectively .

  22. 分散蓝14热转印棉织物皂洗变色的影响因素,探讨了架桥剂、温度、水和皂液浓度对热转移棉织物上C.I。

    Disperse Blue 14 on heat transfer printed cotton fabric , the effect of bridge-agent , temperature , water and concentration of soap liquor on the color of disperse blue 14 on heat transfer printed cotton was tested .

  23. 只使用金属钛膜对染料废水进行过滤处理能达到很好的分离有机物的效果,但是不久就会因表面累积分散蓝大分子致使孔径被堵塞,使膜通量迅速下降,最终无法继续使用。

    Only titanium membrane filter wastewater treatment to achieve good separation effect of organic matter , but soon disperse due to surface molecules resulting in the cumulative pore is blocked , the membrane flux declined rapidly , and ultimately unusable .

  24. 铁炭内电解处理分散艳蓝E-4R染料溶液的研究

    Study on internal electrolysis treating scatter blue E-4R dye wastewater

  25. 酸改性涤纶用阳离子染料分散翠蓝BGN染纯涤纶针织物时,极易产生色渍。

    Using disperse turquoise blue BGN for dyeing polyester knitted fabric often causes color stain .

  26. 电絮凝气浮法处理分散艳蓝E-4R废水的研究

    Study on the treatment of disperse blue E-4R dye wastewater by electro-flocculation-floatation method

  27. 结果表明,添加了943颜料分散剂的酞菁蓝-醇酸体系的分散稳定性变好,其流动行为趋近宾汉流体;

    It has been shown that the dispersion stability increases with the addition of 943 pigment dispersant and flow behavior acts like Bingham fluids .

  28. 在分散红73和分散蓝183混合体系中,两种染料相互促进其在超临界CO2中的溶解。

    Disperse red 73 and disperse blue 183 promoted their solution in supercritical CO2 each other .

  29. 本文采用分散红3B和分散蓝RRL染料对新研制的阻燃PET纤维进行了高温高压染色。

    Disperse dyes of red 3B and blue RRL are used to dye the flame retardant PET fibres which are recently developed by author under high temperature and pressurc .

  30. 酸性蓝45、分散红60、分散蓝60、分散蓝73的合成新工艺以及活性蓝19的新剂型等。

    Acid blue 45 , disperse red 60 , disperse blue 60,73 , as well as the new commercial types of reactive blue 19 etc.