
  • 网络Sub argument;Supporting ideas;topic sentences
  1. 拟议论文提纲主要应拟好分论点,提高思维能力是关键。

    Giving an outline of an argumentation requires a branch thesis be well drawn , and the key is to improve thinking ability .

  2. 瓦莱丽:然后,在演讲正文部分,你要陈述你的主要观点,列出分论点,摆出事实,或者用图片来辅助演讲。

    Valery : Then , in the body of your speech , you want to state your main points , using supporting ideas , giving examples , and maybe using visuals .

  3. 第二个分论点,其论述方法,仍从绘画(油画)形式语言:线条、笔触、色彩等入手,充分阐释鲁迅文本。

    In the second small respective viewpoint , the major method is also quoting the painting ( or oil painting ) 's form languages , namely thread , brushwork and color , etc.

  4. 全文共分五章对论点进行论述:第一章介绍背景信息并由此引出本文的论点。

    The thesis is consisted of five chapters : Chapter I provides the background information which leads to the thesis statement .