
  • 网络separation factor;splitting factor;RCF
  1. 研完了溶液的酸度,洗脱液的流速,分配比(D)以及分离因素(βEr/Nd)对Nd~(3+)和Er~(3+)萃取色层分离的影响。

    The effects of acidity of the solution , flow rate of eluate on separation , distr bution ratio ( D ) and separation factor (β Er / Nd ) for Nd and Er were investigated .

  2. 通过建立颗粒的运动微分方程及其数值积分,分析了颗粒的轨迹和速度、分离因素等运动要素。

    To remedy such a situation , differential equations of the motion of a particle are established and solved by numerical integration . The locus , velocity and splitting factor of particle motion are analyzed .

  3. 实验表明,在聚合物浓度不变的情况下,共混体系中加入不同质量浓度的三种分子量的添加剂聚乙二醇(PEG)后,铸膜液在凝胶浴中成膜的相分离因素会发生改变。

    Experimental results show that when the polymer concentration is constant the induced phase separation factors of the casting solution will be changed , while adding additives polyethylene glycol ( PEG ) with three molecular weight in different quality concentration .

  4. 影响体外再生混床树脂分离因素试验及分析

    Influencing Factors of Resin Separation about Mix Bed with External Regeneration

  5. 第五级的分离因素大于295。

    The separation fact in fifth stage is over 295 .

  6. 流量对硫酸钠-乙酸废水的切割分离因素的影响

    Effect of flow on cutting separation of Na_2SO_4-CH_3COOH wastewater

  7. 上列表格中转速和分离因素为标准机型参数,厂家可根据用户要求在一定范围内调整。

    Data on the table is just the parameters of model machine , it can be adjusted in a certain range according to your requirement .

  8. 在气相色层分析期间,影响化合物的分离因素有液相的选择,柱温,载气的流速。

    Among the factors that influence the separation of compounds by gas chromatography are selection of liquid phase , column temperature , and flow rate of carrier gas .

  9. 螺旋沉降离心机具有分离因素高,能实现悬浮液的脱水、澄清、分级的过程,对分离物料的适应性强,单位生产能力的功耗低等特点。

    The Horizontal Scroll Decanter Centrifuge is characteristic of high separating factor , suspending liquid dehydration , clarification , graduation process , separating the material compatible and low unit productivity power loss and so on .

  10. FM立体声广播发射设备声道分离度因素分析

    Analysis of Factors about the Degree of Channel Separation of FM Stereophonic Broadcasting Transmitting Apparatus

  11. 通过对影响分离的因素如树脂种类、料液pH值等的研究,确定了离子交换法从解钼液中分离回收钨钼的最佳条件。

    In this article the optimal separation condition of W and Mo from Mo stripping solution by ion exchange is determined through the tests of separation factors such as resin types , PH of solution , etc.

  12. 本文研究了在硝酸体系中,HDEHP萃取镧和锕的机理及影响镧和锕萃取分离的因素,给出了镧和锕分配系数的数学模型。

    The extraction machanism and separation process of lanthanum and actinium were studied in HDEHP ( kerosene ) & HNO_3 system . The mathematical model for the extraction of lanthanum and actinium by 50 % HDEHP was given from the experimental results .

  13. 社区获得性肺炎病原体分离相关因素探讨

    Related factors of pathogens distribution of community acquired pneumonia

  14. 低温精馏氢同位素分离影响因素研究

    Influencing factors of hydrogen isotopes separation by cryogenic distillation

  15. 影响牛胚胎干细胞分离克隆因素的研究

    Influences on Isolation and Cloning of Embryonic Stem Cells From Bovine Primordial Germ Cells

  16. 影响喷管流动分离的因素

    Numerical simulation of flow separation in nozzle

  17. 方法:分析大孔吸附树脂的化学结构及影响其吸附、分离的因素;

    METHODS : The chemical structures of foramen-magnum absorbent resins and the factors affecting absorbency and separation were analyzed .

  18. 影响微相分离主要因素是分子内和分子间的氢键作用。

    The driving force for this phase separation is mainly due to the formation of inter - and intramolecular hydrogen bonding interaction .

  19. 通过分析了影响离心机离心分离的因素,阐明了双级推料离心机从设计制造到实际使用过程中与其它类型的离心机相比,所表现出来的优良特性。

    These paper analysis on the factors of effecting the centrifuge operation and compare the facility to other type of centrifuge from manufacture to application .

  20. 在这个过程中,我将讨论远程访问模式和分离相关因素以及高速缓存,最后就如何进行好的分布式应用程序设计提供适当的指导。

    In this process I will discuss remote access patterns versus separation of concerns and caching , and finally describe some proper guidelines for good distributed application design .

  21. 为了研究流体混合作用导致金沉淀的两种主要机理,通过简化实验体系、分离影响因素,分别设计了降温、盐度变化导致金沉淀的模拟实验。

    Simulate experiments of gold precipitated by lowering temperature and changing salt content are designed by simplifying experimental system and separating influential factors in order to study two main mechanisms of gold precipitated by fluid mixing function .

  22. 这些方法通过定性与定量分析相结合,利用分离重叠因素、相关矩阵分析和层次提升来消除产业损害程度测算指标之间的相关性,是优化产业损害程度评价指标比较有效的方法。

    These are all effective approaches to optimize the evaluation-index of industry injury ′ s degree . These approaches work out questions by quantitative and qualitative analysis which use separate overlapping factors , relative matrixes analysis or hierarchy promotion to eliminate the correlation of the evaluation-index .

  23. 结果表明:HP-β-CD浓度和缓冲溶液的pH是影响碱性药物对映体分离的重要因素,HP-β-CD的取代度和取代位置对分离有明显的影响。

    The results showed that both HP - β - CD concentration and buffer pH were the important factors influencing chiral separation .

  24. 猪血清中Ig的分离及影响因素研究

    Separation and influence of pig serum Immunoglobulin

  25. 病毒分离率影响因素的试验结果表明,病毒的分离率与CD4细胞数有明显关系,CD4细胞数越高,分离率越低。

    The rate of viral isolation was obviously related to the numbers of CD4 + cells , the lower of CD4 cells , the higher the rate of the viral isolation .

  26. 结论:流动相pH和有机改性剂含量是影响对映体分离的重要因素,可以以调节流速和柱温来提高柱效、改善分离。

    Conclusion : The pH value of the mobile phase , the organic modifer concentration , the flow rate and the temperature of column were very important when optimizing the enantiomeric separation of pantoprazole .

  27. 对影响HNS型三相分离设备效率因素的探讨

    A Discussion on Elements Influencing Efficiency of HNS 3-Phase Separation Device

  28. 结果表明:影响EGCG分离、纯化因素的主次顺序为:层析介质>洗脱剂>洗脱剂pH值>洗脱剂浓度;

    The result showed that the order for isolation and purification of EGCG was chromatography medium > eluting reagent > the pH value of eluting reagent > concentration of eluting reagent .

  29. 以永春芦柑皮为试验材料,研究了在超临界CO2流体萃取时,原料粒度、投料量、萃取压力、萃取温度、萃取时间和分离温度等因素影响精油得率的规律。

    On extraction of refined oil from citrus peel by supercritical CO_2 fluid , the influence law of several parameters on extraction rate of refined oil were studied , which include particle size , material mass , extracting pressure , extracting temperature , extracting time and separating temperature .

  30. 方差分析表明,3因素的差异均达到显著或极显著水平,表明花粉多糖的分离与这些因素密切相关。

    The separation of pollen polysaccharide was related to these factors .