
  • 网络Branching Problem;branching question;spin-off problems
  1. 该算法根据平面点集Delaunay三角剖分的特性,将Delaunay三角剖分应用到分支问题上。

    The algorithm applies Delaunay triangulation to branching problem according to the characteristic of the Delaunay triangulation of constrained edge point sets in plane .

  2. 在这一章中,我们提出了利用骨架特征点匹配来引导曲面镶嵌的方法,并讨论了在处理分支问题和对应问题时如何利用骨架信息来构造中间连接曲面。

    The matched pairs of characteristic skeleton points are used to guide the process of surface tiling in the new method . The information of skeleton is also used to deal with branching problem .

  3. 本文将RoughSet理论应用于网络安全的两个主要分支问题&邮件分类问题和网络入侵检测问题进行研究和讨论。

    We will apply Rough Set theory in two important branches of network security : E-mail classification and intrusion detection technique .

  4. 研究了广义Logistic单种群时滞生态模型的Hopf分支问题。

    Hopf bifurcation of a general delayed Logistic model are investigated .

  5. 分支问题开折的强(r,s)稳定性与弱(r,s)稳定性

    Strongly ( r , s ) - Stability and Weakly ( r , s ) - Stability of Unfoldings of Bifurcation Problem

  6. 这一结果发展了Wilson定理([2]),可应用于分支问题。

    This result develops Wilson Theorem ( [ 2 ] ) and can be applied to bifurcation problems .

  7. 利用指数二分性理论和泛函分析方法来处理第一变分方程在R上有多于一个非平凡有界解下的奇摄动系统的同宿轨道分支问题。

    With the theory of dichotomy and functional analysis , the paper studies the homoclinic orbits bifurcation of the Auto-Odd-Perturbation System of the first variational equation that has more than one non-trivial bounded solution .

  8. 广义liénard型方程是否存在极限环及其个数或者分支问题近年来引起了越来越多人的兴趣。

    Recently many famous scholars were attracted to study the general li é nard system equation with the question of it 's limit cycle and bifurcate .

  9. 一类异宿环分支问题中极限环的唯一性

    On the uniqueness of limit cycles in a heteroclinic bifurcation

  10. 分支问题的无限决定性

    Infinite determinacy of C ~ ∞ Map-germs of bifurcation problems

  11. 一类离散动力系统的吸引子和分支问题

    On the Attractor and Bifurcation of a Discrete Dynamical System

  12. 奇异黎曼度量之下的分支问题的d-充分性

    D - sufficiency of bifurcation problems under singular Riemannian metric

  13. 二次微分系统(I)类方程的分支问题

    The Bifurcation Problems of Type ( I ) Equation of Quadratic Differential Systems

  14. 生态学中具有稀疏效应的Lotka&Volterra系统的分支问题

    On the branching problems of the Lotka - volterra systems with thining effect

  15. 非线性参数规划中分支问题的再讨论

    Further Discussion of Bifurcational Problems in Nonlinear Parametric Programming

  16. 分支问题的有限决定性和万有开折

    Finite Determination and Universal Unfoldings of Bifurcation Problems

  17. 有限维分支问题的一种数值方法

    A Numerical Method For Finite Dimensional Bifurcation Problems

  18. 高维同宿分支问题

    Problems in Homoclinic Bifurcation with Higher Dimensions

  19. 一类具有极限环(3,1)分布的二次微分系统的分支问题

    Bifurcation Problem of a Quadratic Differential System with ( 3,1 ) Distribution of LC 's

  20. 利用奇点理论的思想和方法研究了具有平凡解的分支问题。

    The bifurcation problems with trivial solution is discussed by using the methods in singularity theory .

  21. 文章通过对模型的定性分析和分支问题讨论来研究模型的全局动力性质。

    Global qualitative and bifurcation analyses are combined to determine the global dynamics of the model .

  22. 最后,得到满足一定条件的分支问题的标准形式及相应的识别条件。

    Finally , the normal form and the corresponding recognition condition of bifurcation problems are obtained under some conditions .

  23. 应用控制理论的思想研究了食饵种群第三类功能性反应具有可控投放率的捕食-食饵模型的分支问题。

    Probes into the problem of the third functional responses system with the control theory to study the predator-prey model .

  24. 研究了一类三次系统无穷远点的极限环分支问题。

    The bifurcation of limit cycles at infinity for a class of cubic polynomial systems was studied in the paper .

  25. 在t-等价群作用下,得到了具有平凡解的分支问题等价的充分条件。

    Under the action of the equivalent group , a sufficient condition for recognizing such bifurcation problems to bet-equivalent is obtained .

  26. 本文主要研究几类平面系统的焦点或中心在多项式扰动下极限环分支问题。

    In this paper , we investigate the bifurcation of limit cycles of several planar systems near a center or a focus .

  27. 运用一种间接的方法研究了一类七次系统在无穷远点的中心条件和极限环分支问题。

    An indirect method is used to study bifurcations of limit cycles at infinity for a class of seventh-order polynomial differential system .

  28. 此时,由于需要考虑各轮廓线之间的对应问题和分支问题等,因此比单轮廓线的重构要复杂得多。

    The latter one is more complex than the former one because of the problems of corresponding and embranchment between two contour lines .

  29. 本文考虑奇摄动问题的位于快变量空间中的奇异同宿轨道的保存和周期轨道分支问题。

    The persistence and bifurcation to periodic solution for the singular homoclinic orbit in the fast dynamics of singular perturbation problems are considered .

  30. 本毕业论文,主要研究高维系统中具倾斜翻转或轨道翻转的同宿环或异宿环的分支问题。

    In this thesis we consider the bifurcation problems of homoclinic loop or heteroclinic loops with inclination flip or orbit flips in higher dimensional systems .