
  1. 一篇缺乏明确论点的结构混乱的文章。

    A disorganised piece of writing with no clear argument .

  2. 第六章是结论部分,总结全文,明确论点。

    Chapter 6 is the concluding part , text summarization , clear argument .

  3. 最后总结全文,明确论点,对幼儿园室内空间色彩构建得出有建设性的意见,并对未来的发展趋向做出展望。

    The final text of the summary , clear argument for kindergarten , interior color construction that constructive comments , and the future development trend is prospected .

  4. 为避免于止,本文希望在明确论点的基础上,对隐性课程的价值取向进行较为系统的梳理论述,探讨隐性课程的在思想政治教育方面的功能:德育功能、意识形态教育功能、社会功能。

    To avoid checking , this paper hopes in clear arguments , and on the basis of the value orientation of recessive course systematic pectination and explore the hidden curriculum in ideological and political education function of : Moral education ideology function , the function , the social function .

  5. 六详细提炼论文大纲,明确主要论点。确定主要参考书目。对参考书目进行摘录。

    Write the outline in detail ; check the main arguments and references , excerpt the bibliography .

  6. 在研究阶段,一个学生一般在一篇论文中研究一个论题或有一个明确的论点。

    During the research phase a student will generally develop a thesis or specific argument for a paper .

  7. 若没有明确清楚的论点,也就是没有“重点”,就不可能有论文。

    Without a clearly stated argument – that is , a point – you have no paper .

  8. 你的论文需要有清楚明确的主要论点(也就是针对某议题,你所采取的立场),且要能清楚显示你非常清楚反方所持的论点。

    Your essay must have a clear and explicit thesis ( your position on the issue ) and must demonstrate a clear awareness of the opposition 's counter-thesis .