
  • 网络paintings of Ming Dynasty
  1. 波斯细密画受明代绘画的影响;

    The Ming Dynasty 's paintings ' effect on Persian fine close pictures ;

  2. 流派纷呈的明代绘画竹与园林石中国明代艺术展展品赏析

    Various Schools of Paintings in Ming Dynasty

  3. 明代绘画研究概况

    The state of Ming painting studies

  4. 明代浙派绘画之出现及其发展探析

    Emergence and Development of the Zhe School Painting in the Ming Dynasty

  5. 在明代,由绘画吴门画派的影响,苏绣开始在其竞争对手绘画和书法艺术。

    In the Ming Dynasty , influenced by the Wu School of painting , Su Embroidery began to rival painting and calligraphy in its artistry .

  6. 明代藏传佛教绘画艺术的理论、绘画技法较为成熟,佛经的翻译和研究在此时也得到了极大发展,女性神佛造像的象征来源有明晰的文本记载。

    It is that the translation of Buddhist scriptures and study has been a great development in Ming Dynasty , and the symbol of female statues is clearly depicted .

  7. 明代画家普遍主张绘画要具有文人精神,这种文人精神在绘画上表现出文雅的画风。

    But the painter of the Ming dynasty general called for drawing with the literati spirit which showing gentle style of painting .