
  • 网络perigynous
  1. 苯基周位酸生产废水处理试验研究

    Study on Treatment of Wastewater from Production of N-phenyl Peri Acid

  2. 树脂吸附法处理周位酸废水的研究

    Study on the Treatment of Industrial Waste Water Containing 2-Amino-8-Naphthalene Sulfonic Acid with Polymeric Adsorbent

  3. 母体X染色体着丝粒周倒位引起亚端缺失或重复1例

    Subterminal deletion / duplication event in an affected male due to maternal X chromo - some pericentric inversion

  4. 结论:肾与肾周占位病变MRI检查具有特异性,MRI信号反映了占位病变的组织成分,从而可准确显示病变部位,并能做出定性诊断。

    Conclusions : For different masses in kidney and its periphery , their MRI signals had various manifestations , i. e. the signal represented the tissue components from different tumors , therefore , it can accurately determine the location of masses and make the correct diagnosis .

  5. 本周几位在领英网颇具影响力的人物也参与到这个话题的讨论中。

    It 's a topic several LinkedIn Influencers weighed in on this week .

  6. 本周两位总统候选人都没有安排公开活动的行程,因此他们开始为周一晚上进行的第三场也是最后一场辩论做准备。

    The presidential candidates have no public events scheduled this weekend , instead they are getting ready for Monday night 's third and final debate .

  7. 我本周与一位读者和一位退休的保险高管RM就财政知识进行交谈。

    I spoke this week with a reader and retired insurance executive , Rick Mayhew , about financial literacy .

  8. 2004年,就在史蒂夫•乔布斯计划于波士顿Macworld大会上发布首款Macmini前的两周,一位自称“尼克•德普拉姆”的青少年博主在个人网站ThinkSecret上率先发布了这一消息。

    Two weeks before Steve Jobs was scheduled to unveil the original Mac Mini at Macworld 2004 in Boston , a teenage blogger who called himself Nick deplume broke the news on his website , think secret .

  9. 应用信航牌自动活检枪、20G槽式穿刺针在彩色多普勒超声引导下对24例肺外周型占位性病变进行自动组织切割穿刺活检,全部获得病理学诊断。

    We obtained the tissue pathologic diagnoses of 24 patients with lung space occupying lesion with automatic biopsy gun under the guidance of color Doppler ultrasound and 20G needles .

  10. 平均疗程为7.32周,中位疗程为4周。

    The Middle the time of treatment of is 4 weeks .

  11. 上周末的票房冠军《妈妈》本周下降一位;

    Last weekend 's best movie ' Mama ' drops a spot ; '

  12. 但是本周,一位资深的政府经济家也暗示改革即将破茧而出。

    But this week a senior government economist also hinted at a coming shift .

  13. 打斗后一周,两位警察仍然伤势严重,住在医院。

    One week after the fighting , the two policemen were still seriously ill in hospital .

  14. 本周介绍一位九岁已是全国武术冠军的中国功夫巨星。

    This week , a Chinese martial arts superstar , who 's been a champion since the age of nine .

  15. 术后第1周第一眼位垂直斜视度数平均为4.6△,较术前有显著性差异;

    The average vertical deviation degree in primary position were 4.6 ~ △ 1 week and 4.8 ~ △ 2 months after surgery .

  16. 本月初,调查之前一周,一位选举候选人提出,要求联邦巩固发展党与执政的军政府断绝关系。

    Earlier this week the USDP was asked by an election candidate to ensure it had severed ties with the ruling junta prior to the polls .

  17. 然而,雷斯特先生告诉我们,仅仅在在展位申请表发出去的第一周,50位参展者已经确定与他们签约,而且80%要求3年的合约。

    However , Mr Lester told us that in the first week after stand application forms were sent out50 exhibitors firmly signed up and80 per cent of those requested three-year contracts .

  18. 但在过去一周,一位名为王菊的参赛选手突然受到极大的关注。由于相貌平平,人们一度认为她要被淘汰出局。

    However , this past week has witnessed a quick burst of overwhelming attention on a contestant named Wang Ju , who was once regarded as an unpromising outsider because of her perceived unattractiveness .

  19. 几周前,一位老朋友打电话给我,他以前曾是Informix用户。

    A few weeks ago , an old friend who used to be an Informix user called me on the phone .

  20. 美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)对银行的严格监管计划上周四遭到国际社会的怀疑,而自今天起,他的政府又将迎来动荡的一周,美国两位最高经济官员将面临国会的严格审查。

    President Barack Obama 's regulatory crackdown on banks was met with international scepticism yesterday ahead of another tumultuous week for his administration , one in which the country 's top two economic officials will face congressional scrutiny .

  21. 受118118信息服务台的委托,英国YouGov民意调查机构在7月的第一周共对2100位民众进行了调查。

    Commissioned by information service 118118 , the YouGov poll questioned 2100 Britons during the first week of July .

  22. 我在巴黎男装周现场询问一位来自伦敦某大型百货店的买手:英国脱欧(Brexit)公投影响了生意吗?他立马变得神情紧张。

    Out here at the Paris menswear shows , I asked a buyer from a major London store : how will the Brexit vote affect their business ? He breathed heavily .

  23. 2015年那件连衣裙诡异的颜色使得不少人都恨不得把自己眼珠子抠出来,而本周Instagram上一位博主自拍的一张双腿的照片又再现了那时的盛况,很快就在网上造成了轰动。

    What started innocuously at the beginning of the week as nothing more than a quirky point-of-view snap of an Instagram user 's legs has quickly escalated into an internet sensation on a scale not seen since the hotly contested colour of ' that dress ' in 2015 made the world want to tear its eyes out .

  24. “别这么说,我们是朋友呀!”周、黄二位说。

    " What is going on , my friends ?" Zhou and Huang asked .

  25. 可是过了数周后,一位同事被提拔到了这个新工作中。

    But after several weeks , a coworker is promoted to the new job .

  26. 民意调查显示,距离大选还有两周时间,两位候选人的支持率很接近。

    Poll showed a close race in the final two weeks of the campaign .

  27. 彩色多普勒超声引导下外周型肺占位病变自动穿刺活检的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Automatic Biopsy with CDFI guided Peripheral Type of Lung Space Occupying Lesions

  28. 本周初,几位分析师下调了三星电子的业绩预期和股价目标。

    Earlier this week , several analysts downgraded performance estimates and share-price targets for Samsung .

  29. 对19例劳力型心绞痛病人给予尼可地尔口服2周,通过卧位踏车试验观察运动心电图二尖瓣口多普勒血流变化。

    Nicorandil was used to treat 19 patients with exertional angina pectoris for two weeks .

  30. 布莱尔将在职七周,直到一位新的劳动党领袖被选出。

    Mr Blair will stay on for seven weeks until a new Labour leader is chosen .