
  1. 此次出土的随葬金银器数量多、工艺精,在无锡地区极为少见,显示了民间工匠的高超技术和智慧。

    This amazing discovery showed superb technique and intelligence of folk craftsman .

  2. 岭南民间工匠传统建筑设计法则研究初步

    Preliminary Research on the Traditional Architectural Techniques of the Local Craftsmen in Lingnan

  3. 其中国工即征发来为官府手工业作坊服徭役的本国民间工匠;

    Among them , governmental artisans were craftsmen from the people enlisted to do corvee for the governmental handicraft workshops ;

  4. 他们大多出自普通老百姓和民间工匠之手,却是一种土生土长的乡土精神与长期积淀的精湛技艺相融合的结晶。

    Most of them are made by common people and folk craftsmen , exemplifying a successful combination of native spirit and exquisite technique over long-term accumulation .

  5. 这种民间工艺在中国工匠的手中经历了数百年反复锤炼、雕琢、磨合。

    Such folk art craft has experienced repeated practices and compromise for several hundred years in the hands of Chinese craftsmen .