
  1. 取出设备后,我带着李在花草蔓生的花园里转了一圈。

    As the equipment was unpacked , I led Lee around the overgrown garden .

  2. 摩根大通(JPMorganChase)副董事长吉米o李在并购领域一直处于前列。

    As vice chairman of JPMorgan Chase , Jimmy Lee has a front-row seat to the deal action .

  3. 有时被称为jayy的李在,在韩国拥有很高的知名度,一直是八卦小报的目标。

    Mr lee , sometimes known as Jay y , has a high profile in South Korea and has been targeted by the tabloid press .

  4. 哈珀柯林斯出版社(HarperCollins)上月出版了《设立守望者》,哈·珀李在60年前写了这本书,只不过写完后就把它放到了一边。

    Last month , HarperCollins released " Go Set a Watchman , " a novel Ms. Lee wrote and set aside nearly 60 years ago .

  5. 周一,吉米o李在阿斯彭举行的财富头脑风暴技术会议(BrainstormTechConference)上登台发言。他提出了科技行业出现并购热潮的另一条佐证,那就是最近几年,就并购事项发布公告后上市科技公司的股价没有下跌,反而节节攀升。

    Speaking on stage at Fortune 's Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen on Monday , Lee pointed to another sign of a tech M & A boom : Shares of publicly traded tech companies going up , not down when they announced acquisitions in recent years .

  6. 在他的小说《感恩节来客》(TheThanksgivingVisitor)中,她再次以安妮·芬奇伯格(AnnFinchburg)的身份出现,昵称江波(Jumbo)。作为回报,李在《杀死一只知更鸟》中把卡波特写成很会编故事的白人小男孩迪尔(Dill)。

    She made a repeat appearance as Ann Finchburg , nicknamed Jumbo , in his story " The Thanksgiving Visitor . " Lee returned the favor , casting Capote in the role of the little blond tale-spinner Dill in " To Kill a Mockingbird . "

  7. 为什么偏偏是这张照片,而不是某张艺术或科学主题的照片率先上传到网络呢?因为詹纳罗是万维网之父蒂姆·博纳斯·李在CERN的同事。

    How this particular picture , instead of something artistic or science-based , came to be the first ever picture uploaded to the Web stemmed from the fact that de Gennaro worked at CERN near Tim Berners-Lee , inventor of the World Wide Web .

  8. 模拟测试表明李在九个会合的淘汰赛后最终胜出。

    Some simulations show Mr Lee winning after nine elimination rounds .

  9. 父亲李在一家工厂工作。

    Lee , the father , works at a factory .

  10. 博比?李在和他的朋友骑脚踏车。

    Bobby Li is riding his bicycle with his friends .

  11. 迈克和李在试着搭帐篷。

    Mike and Lee were trying to erect the tent .

  12. 大石早生李在保定地区的栽培表现

    Culture performance of Dashi early maturing plum in Baoding

  13. 此刻他看见李在花园附近和一名外国学生交谈。

    When she sees Li talking to a foreign student near the garden .

  14. 杨和李在谈论体育。

    Yang and Li are exchanging information about sports .

  15. 卡尔-李在证人席上中了圈套。

    Carl Lee got trapped on the stand .

  16. 对黑李在绍兴地区的生长情况进行了调查和研究。

    This paper studies the growth of black plums in the regions of Shaoxing .

  17. 萨莉?李在上钢琴课。

    Sally Li is having a piano lesson .

  18. 澳得罗达李在贵阳地区的生长结果习性及规范化栽培技术

    Growth and Fruit-Bearing Habits of Eldorado Plum and Its Standard Cultivation Technique in Guiyang

  19. 杨和李在校园相遇。

    Yang and Li meet on the campus .

  20. 玫瑰皇后李在纳雍县的引种表现及栽培技术

    The Performance of Introduced Plum Rose Queen in Nayong County and Its Cultivation Techniques

  21. 在这种模式下,李在将“负责在各个业务部门之间进行协调”。

    Under this model , Mr Lee would " mediate between our business units " .

  22. 欧洲足联的联络部负责人迈克?李在都柏林一家饭店召开的新闻发布会上如是说。

    UEFA 's director of communications Mike Lee told a news conference at a Dublin hotel .

  23. 国际社会对李在中国进行反家暴的决心大为赞赏。

    Lee 's determination in fighting domestic violence in China has been praised in the international community .

  24. 李在10年的研究中把1100名成人体重的变化进行了比较。

    Lee compared weight changes in 1100 adults over 10 years with seven POPs in their blood .

  25. 当他27岁的时候,李在舞台上加入了马,于是一起表演。

    When he was 27 , Li joined Ma on stage and the pair began to perform together .

  26. 在周五并没有出现这样的问题,当仪式结束,李在享受他的成功。

    There were no such problems Friday , and when it was over , Li basked in his success .

  27. 李在中国一年一度的全国人大会议第二天举行了一次两小时的记者招待会。

    Li gave a two-hour news conference on the second day of the annual session of China 's parliament .

  28. 网友称,李在一次重大失误后叫观众们“别喊”。

    According to netizens , Li asked the spectators to " shut up " after she made a fatal error .

  29. 他在花园里栽培玫瑰。玫瑰皇后李在纳雍县的引种表现及栽培技术

    He grows rose in the garden . The Performance of Introduced Plum Rose Queen in Nayong County and Its Cultivation Techniques

  30. 毕业之后,李在这个领域的第一份工作并不像她曾经想象的那么顺利。

    After graduating , Li 's first job in the field wasn 't quite as rosy as she had once pictured .