
  • 网络private industry
  1. 论吴江民营工业的发展

    The Analysis of the Private Industry of Wujiang County

  2. 抗战时期的后方民营工业

    The Private Industries in the Rear Area During Anti-Japanese War

  3. 此时,中国的民营工业企业也出现了类似的趋势。

    At this time , the trend was also in Chinese private industrial enterprises .

  4. 探讨抗战时期陕西民营工业起落的原因及启示。

    In the early period , Shannxi private industries developed very quickly due to the influence and shift of some industries .

  5. 新时期促进民营工业企业劳资和谐的工会运行机制研究

    Study on Trade Union 's Operating Mechanism in New Period to Fit in with Promoting Harmonious Labor Relations in Private Industrial Enterprises

  6. 指出民营工业企业是农民生活奔向小康,逐步共同致富的源泉,是农村实现现代化的重要途径。

    This article also points out that the private industrial enterprises are the origins of enrichment for the peasants and are the important access to realize the modernization in the countryside region of China .

  7. 民国时期福建民营近代工业研究

    Studies on the Modern Fujian Private Industry during the Period of the Republic of China

  8. 基于这种量化,分析了我国民营经济中工业和建筑业各增长要素,并对各增长要素的贡献率加以求解。

    Based on these models , all growing factors including industry and architecture lines of private economy in our country are analyzed , and their contribution rates to private business are calculated .

  9. 民营企业参与国防工业的制度问题和运行机制

    Institutional Defects and Operation Mechanism of Private Enterprise Participating in National Defense Industry

  10. 民营企业准入国防工业与国家安全研究

    The access of individually-run enterprises to national defense industry

  11. 民营企业进入国防工业市场的演化博弈分析

    An Evolutionary Game Analysis of Private Enterprises ' Entry into National Defense Industrial Market

  12. 壮大大连民营经济深化老工业基地改造

    Strengthen the private economy in Dalian and deepen the reform of the old industrial base

  13. 欧盟民防机制及对我国应急管理体系建设的启示民营企业参与国防工业的制度问题和运行机制

    The Civilian Prevention Mechanism in European Union and Its Enlightenment for Emergency Management System Construction in China ; Institutional Defects and Operation Mechanism of Private Enterprise Participating in National Defense Industry

  14. 近年来,我国民营企业得到了快速发展,但目前我国民营企业依然处于资源及产业开发的成长期,民营企业家仍是工业时代的企业家群体。

    Recent years the private enterprises of our country have rapidly developed , however the private enterprises of our country are still in a growing stage of resources and industry development , and private enterprisers still belong to enterprisers ' group of industrial times at present .