
  1. 民事起诉状对当事人双方来说,在维护自己的民事权益方面,具有十分重要的意义。

    As to the parties , Civil complaint is of great significance on protecting their civil rights .

  2. 对于民事起诉状是否允许修改,不管是大陆法,还是英美法,都经历了一个从严到宽的过程。

    No matter in China , or in western countries , whether to allow amendments to a civil complaint , has undergone a strict process to wide .

  3. 民事起诉状作为一种向法院提交的书面请求,因而在制作时应当符合法律法规规定的书写规范。

    Civil complaint as a written request submitted to the court , thus making it shall comply with laws and regulations of the written specification .

  4. 杨鸿当即转身填写民事起诉状,当日下午即将郑部长个人告到南京市白下区法院。

    Yang Hong turns around to fill in the civil petition of appeal immediately , the same day soon Minister Zheng personally considers in the afternoon to the Nanjing white under area court .

  5. 我国法律虽对民事起诉状的内容和格式都做了规定。但实践中民事起诉状的制作并不严格,从而影响到当事人诉讼权利的行使,也导致司法效率的低下。

    Although our law on the content and format requirements about the civil complaint are made , but the practice is not strictly ensured , thus affecting the exercise of the rights of parties to litigation , but also lead to lower judicial efficiency .