
  1. 朱元璋民族成份考辨

    On the Nationality of ZHU Yuanzhang

  2. 本文以河北省平泉县郭杖子满族乡为调查点,对该地民族成份的更改情况、更改者的动机及深层次原因等进行了调查与分析。

    In this thesis author investigates and analyses the situation of the Minzu composition changing , motivations and potential reasons .

  3. 中世纪时期的安达卢西亚是欧洲乃至整个世界范围内民族成份最复杂、宗教矛盾最激烈和文化种类最多样的地区之一。

    Medieval Andalusia is one of the most complex regions in Europe and even the whole world for its ethnic , religious and cultural diversity .

  4. 从教育经费、学生性别、民族成份、学生年龄、教学地点等不同角度对我国民族教育的特殊办学模式进行探讨,并提出了自己的学术观点。

    This paper deals with educational expenses , student sex , age and teaching place in the special school model in China 's national educational system .

  5. 改革开放之后,一部分民众要求恢复与更改自己的民族成份,其中以满族和土家族为最多。

    After the reform and opening , some people require for the restoration and changing their Minzu composition , of which Manchu and Tujia are the most .

  6. 建国之初,我国开展了大规模的民族成份识别工作,自此,大陆的每一位居民都有了一个民族身份。

    At the beginning of the foundation of PRC , China launched a large-scale work of identifying Minzu composition . From then on , every resident of the mainland has a Minzu identity .