
  • 网络heluo culture
  1. 河洛文化是中国传统文化的源头和核心,它构成中国传统文化最重要的组成部分;

    Heluo culture is the source and core of the traditional Chinese culture , which composes the most important part of the traditional Chinese culture .

  2. 得出结论:河洛文化对晋语的影响是源,晋语对河洛文化的渗透是流。

    So the influence of Heluo culture on Jin dialect is the source , and the pervasion of Jin dialect to Heluo culture is the stream .

  3. 北魏京师洛阳与河洛文化

    Luoyang & the Capital in Northern Wei and He Luo Culture

  4. 河洛文化在日本的传播及影响

    Propagation and Influence of He Luo Culture in Japan

  5. 从地域因素讲,河洛文化在我国传统文化中处于核心地位。

    Yellow River and Luoshui culture is at core of our traditional culture from regionalism .

  6. 老城代表了洛阳悠久的历史,这对想要更多了解河洛文化的外国朋友是一个很好的机会。

    So It 's a good chance for people who want to know more about Luoyang 's cultures and customs .

  7. 唐三彩作为一种文化载体,在河洛文化的发展过程中,始终有着特殊的地位。

    As a cultural carrier , the tri-coloured glazed pottery always holds the special position in the development of Henan-Luoyang culture .

  8. 河洛文化是中国古代文化的源头和核心,是东方古代文明的中心和发祥地。

    He-Luo culture is the source and nucleus of the Chinese ancient civilization as well as the centre and birthplace of the east ancient civilization .

  9. 东汉时期中日两国已有正式外交关系,隋唐时期交往趋于频繁。以河洛文化为核心的中华文明对日本文化发生了重大影响,涉及文字、佛教、儒学、城建、文化地域、政治制度等方面。

    The propagation and influence of He Luo culture as the core of the Chinese civilization in characters , Buddhism , confucianism , urban buildings , cultural religion and political system , etc , in Japan from Eastern Han dynasty to Sui , Tang dynasties are expounded .

  10. 河洛地区史前文化的形成与发展以及不同考古学文化生产和生活方式的异同,与自然环境有着密切的关系。

    The form and development of cultural area of Heluo as well as the same and difference ways of production and life of different archaeological culture have close relation to natural environment .

  11. 河洛唐传奇在河洛礼乐文化的笼罩之下具有浓郁的伦理道德色彩。

    Tang legend of He-luo region under ritual music culture has the rich ethics morals color .