
  1. 通过河北大学附属医院提供的医疗运动平台,进行了运动状态下人体的血压、脉搏、心率及血氧饱和度等生理指标数据的采集,利用GUI仿真工具进行了实例仿真。

    Through the moving platform provided by the subsidiary hospital of Hebei University , the data about blood pressure , heart rate , and pulse and oxygen saturation of blood in the moving were collected . These data was used in the GUI to carry out an example .

  2. 文章最后以河北大学附属医院为代表给出了医院知识管理系统的开发的详细说明。

    In last portion of the paper it describes a development detail example of knowledge management system which come from accessorial hospital of HeiBei university .

  3. 河北医科大学第四附属医院科研中心;

    Research Center , the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Hebei Medical University ;