
  1. 回族大学生心理特点的探讨及心理健康水平的提高,是民族高等教育研究的重要课题。

    It is a key subject how to ascertain the Hui College students'mental traits and improve their health in the research of higher education for ethnic minority groups .

  2. 二十世纪新疆少数民族高等教育发研究

    The Study on the Higher Education of Xinjiang Minorities in Twenty Century

  3. 对少数民族高等教育的研究,有利于丰富和发展高等教育理论,促进整个高等教育事业的健康发展。

    The study on it is beneficial to enrich the theory of higher education and develop the cause of the whole higher education .

  4. 中美两国少数民族高等教育的比较研究

    Comparative Study of the United States higher education for minorities

  5. 新中国民族高等教育体制变迁研究涉及民族学、教育学、历史学、管理学、社会学、民俗学、文化学、人类学等多学科的研究。

    The new national systemof higher education research involves multidisciplinary research in ethnology , education , history , management , sociology , folklore , cultural and anthropology .