
  • 网络China Construction Bank;china construction bank corporation;china construction bank corp
  1. 中国建设银行股份有限公司作为国内最早改制上市的国有商业银行,在做好传统银行业务的同时,非常重视金融创新。

    China Construction Bank Corporation , as the earliest restructuring and listed state-owned commercial bank , has paid great attention to financial innovation while doing a good job in traditional banking .

  2. 去年12月,宝钢集团(BaosteelGroup)发行5亿美元可交换债券,标的股票为中国建设银行股份有限公司(ChinaConstructionBankCorporation)的H股股票,年利达律师事务所为各承销商提供了服务。

    Last December , Linklaters advised the underwriters for Baosteel Group 's $ 500m issuance of a China Construction Bank Corporation bond that was exchangeable into so-called H shares , which are listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange .

  3. 中国建设银行股份有限公司(ChinaConstructionBankCorp)上周四称,截至第三季度末,该行不良贷款率升至1.13%,高于第二季度末的1.04%。

    China Construction Bank Corp CICHY 0.17 % said Thursday bad loans rose to 1.13 % of its total portfolio in the third quarter , from 1.04 % at the end of the second quarter .

  4. 科学发展是硬道理&中国建设银行股份有限公司广东省分行行长吴建杭专访

    Scientific Development Is Hard Reason