
  1. 在SelectCategories页面上,把一个类别(由资产管理员定义)应用于添加的所有资产。

    In the Select Categories page , apply a category ( defined by repository administrators ) to all assets that are being added .

  2. 他所采用的实验数据太少,把男性所垄断的交易员工作与女性为主的资产管理员工作做了区分,但却忽视了一个事实。很多带谨慎态度的长期投资者总会在牛市气氛中下错注。

    The experimental data are too scarce and the distinction he draws between the masculine world of risk-taking traders and the more feminised world of asset managers skips over the fact that many supposedly cautious , long-term investors made poor bets in the boom .

  3. 社区由资产、管理员、用户、用户组和评论过程组成。

    Communities consist of assets , administrators , users , user groups , and review processes .

  4. 为了检入测试资产,Rational管理员需要有访问所有测试资产文件路径的独占权限。

    In order to check in the test assets , Rational Administrator will need to have exclusive access to all of the test asset files .