
  • 网络Income distribution theory;theory of income distribution
  1. 十六大提出的这些方针和原则是对收入分配理论的新贡献。

    All is new contribution to the theory of income distribution .

  2. 论人力因素按贡献分配对收入分配理论的拓展

    Effect of Distribution According to Contribution on Expending the Theory of Income Distribution

  3. 马克思主义经济学有两种不同的收入分配理论。

    There are two different income distribution theories in Marxist Economics .

  4. 收入分配理论的比较分析:马克思与新古典

    Comparative Analysis on the Income Distribution Theory : Marx and Neo-classics

  5. 现代西方收入分配理论比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Theory of Modern Western Income Distribution

  6. 国外微观经济学中的收入分配理论及其启示

    Some Ideas on Distribution Theory of Income in Foreign Microeconomics

  7. 西方收入分配理论与实践的发展及其启示

    The Development and Enlightenment of the Western Distribution Theory and Its Practices

  8. 收入分配理论要有创新和突破;

    The theory on income distribution needs to be renovated ;

  9. 本文全面介绍了当代收入分配理论的最新发展。

    This paper systematically surveys the lately development of income distribution theory .

  10. 论西方经济学个人收入分配理论的三次转型及其意义

    Three Transformations of the Income Distribution Theory in Western Economics and Their Significance

  11. 论马克思收入分配理论的一致性

    On the Consistency of Marxist Theory of Distribution

  12. 论收入分配理论的历史演变和劳动价值论的实践价值

    The Evolution of Income Distribution Theory and the Practical Value of Labour Value Theory

  13. 收入分配理论与我国收入分配制度的重新选择

    The Theory of Income Distribution and the Alternative Choice of our Country 's Income Distribution System

  14. 关于收入分配理论的思考

    Reflection on the Income Distribution Theory

  15. 马克思收入分配理论的核心内容是按劳分配。

    The central content of the Marxism the theory of income distribution is a distribution according to labor .

  16. 第四部分是中国特色社会主义收入分配理论的鲜明特征和理论价值。

    The fourth part is the Chinese characteristic socialism theory of income distribution and distinctive features and theoretical value .

  17. 新剑桥学派从一个崭新的角度研究了收入分配理论,围绕着收入分配和经济增长的关系展开论述,得出收入分配同经济增长之间存在微妙的动态关系,具有相互作用。

    And concluded that subtle dynamic relationship exists between income distribution and economic growth , interact with each other .

  18. 按照现代收入分配理论,中国金融的非均衡发展会导致收入分配格局的变化。

    According to the modern income distribution theory , unbalanced finance development would lead to changes in income distribution structure .

  19. 本文在第二章对西方和马克思主义的收入分配理论进行了总体描述。

    This study gives an overview of the Marxist income distribution theory and the relevant western theories on income distribution .

  20. 重建收入分配理论的价值基础&对马克思价值理论及分配理论的突破和发展

    Reconstructing the Value Foundation of Income Assignment Theory & Breakthrough and Development of the Value Theory and Assignment Theory of Marx

  21. 理论基础主要从理论源头对马克思列宁主义收入分配理论进行历史回顾和系统梳理。

    Theoretical foundation of theory of Marx Lenin from the source of Marxist income distribution theory carries on the historical review and systematic .

  22. 理论与实际相结合,对中国特色社会主义收入分配理论形成、发展和成熟的过程进行了论述。

    The combination of theory and practice , to the Chinese characteristic socialism income distribution theory formation , development and maturing process are discussed .

  23. 这些“包含和承认”体现了对按劳动分配理论的突破和对既有的人力因素收入分配理论的拓展。

    These embody the breakthrough of the theory of distribution according to work and expanding the theory of income distribution according to human factor .

  24. 通过对西方经济学理论中关于个人收入分配理论三次转型的梳理,反映出这一理论的历史变迁。

    This paper looks at the three transformations of the income distribution theory in western economics , revealing the historical fluctuation of the theory .

  25. 背景、创新、趋势及对策:党的十七大收入分配理论与政策的研究

    Background , creativity , trend and solution-study on the theory and policy of income-distribution proposed by Chinese Communist Party 's 17th National People 's Congress

  26. 中国特色社会主义分配理论是马克思主义分配理论与中国经济体制改革的实践相结合的产物,是在探索中国社会主义经济建设的道路上不断完善的、符合中国国情的收入分配理论。

    It is the income distribution theory which is incessantly perfecting and is suitable for Chinese realities on the road of economic construction with Chinese characteristics .

  27. 我们很难理清这些关系,所以我们经常可以看到相互矛盾的收入分配理论。

    It is very hard for us to straighten all these relations out , so we always encounter the theories of income distribution which contradict with each other .

  28. 收入分配理论基本上可以分成两条线索,即马克思主义的收入分配理论和西方的收入分配理论。

    The theory of income distribution basically can be divided into two clues . One is Marxist income distribution theory , and the other is western income distribution theory .

  29. 新剑桥学派历来以重视收入分配理论而著称,主要是围绕收入分配理论建立的经济理论。

    The new Cambridge School traditionally is renowned for its attention to the theory of income distribution , mainly revolve around the relationship between the economic growth and income distribution .

  30. 对本文涉及到的基础理论进行了评析,包括收入分配理论与制度、人口发展相关理论以及社会公正相关理论。

    The related basic theories of this paper have been analyzed , including the theory and system of income distribution , the related theories of population development and social justice .