
  • 网络golden share;gold share
  1. 国有商业银行股权结构中设置金股的探索

    An Exploration of Setting up Golden Share in State-owned Commercial Banks ' Stock Right Structure

  2. 作为一种股权创新,“金股”的设置在欧洲、亚洲等国家的国有企业改革过程中得到了广泛应用。

    As an innovation of stock right , golden share has been widely applied to the state-owned enterprises reform in European and Asian countries .

  3. 阿根廷政府在ypf持有“金股”(goldenshare),因此涉及ypf的任何交易都需获得阿根廷政府的批准。

    The Argentinian government holds a golden share in YPF , and any deal would have required state approval .

  4. 欧洲是金股制度的发源地,发展已经相对成熟,对金股的研究也最为透彻。

    Europe , as the cradle of gold share system , underwent relative mature development of and made completely thorough research on it .

  5. 金股又称为国有金股、特别股、特权优先股或特权偿还股。

    " Golden shares " also known as state-owned gold shares , preferred shares , preference or privilege of the privileged shares to repay .

  6. 进而结合各个国家金股制度安排以及欧盟法院对这些金股制度的评价,探寻金股制度的实质。

    Integrating the various institutional arrangements and the Evaluation of European Court of Justice , this article tries to find the essence of golden shares .

  7. 我国国有企业改革方兴未艾,已有一些国有企业尝试引入金股制度来解决其改制中面临的特定的问题。

    Enterprises in China are now in the process of privatization , some state-owned enterprises have introduced golden share system to resolve the specific problems they face .

  8. 金股制度,对于大多数人来说可能觉得很陌生,它是伴随着国有企业民营化产生的。

    Golden share system , which was brought out along with the privatization of state-owned enterprises , may very likely to be unknown to a majority of people .

  9. 在此基础上还要注意理清历年积累资产的产权,明晰信用社自有资金的产权关系,实施金股设置政策,解决历史包袱等一系列问题。

    Furthermore , on the foundation of this link we must pay attention to quantifying accumulated property right , carrying out golden share policy , solving questions left over by history and so on .

  10. 介入加注射金葡液治疗股骨头缺血性坏死112例临床观察

    Interventional catheterization combined with fracture healing injection on 112 cases of ischemic necrosis of femoral head

  11. 北坡向岸伸展的叉槽是小金山北的北股落潮流冲刷成的。

    KNIFE & FORK A branch of trough across its north slope landward is scoured by the ebb of the the north cur rent .