
  • 网络money;on money;concept of money
  1. 从金钱观来看当代大学生的价值观

    Contemporary University Students ' Values According to Money View

  2. 莎士比亚戏剧的金钱观

    The View on Money of Shakespeare 's Dramas

  3. 树立孩子一生的金钱观TeachingChildrenMoneyHabitsforLife花些力气教会孩子们良好的花钱习惯是非常值得的,因其带来的好处是使他们受益一生的。

    The life-long benefits of teaching children good money habits make it well worth the effort .

  4. 这就要看你的金钱观了,是那种财迷心窍的还是那种理性待财的呢?

    That depends on your money value , is moneygrubber or treating money sensible ?

  5. 无论你的孩子有多大,从今天起给他们树立正确的金钱观。

    No matter your child 's age , start teaching them money lessons today .

  6. 你的金钱观是什么?

    What is your attitude towards money ?

  7. 为此,开展目标恰当、实施有效的金钱观教育极其重要。

    Therefore , developing objectives effectively and appropriate , terms of education is extremely important .

  8. 最好在孩子很小的时候开始给他们树立最重要的金钱观。

    It is best to start teaching kids the most important money lessons from an early age .

  9. 又整理了大量货币熟语,从中分析了中国人传统的金钱观。

    The article also organized sort of currency phraseology and then summarized Chinese traditional concept of money .

  10. 趁现在还不算晚,确保你的孩子学习了以下的金钱观。

    Before it is too late , make sure your little ones learn the following money lessons .

  11. 你也能一起学习那些金钱观因为成人相比孩子更容易在金钱方面出问题。

    You can learn those money lessons together because adults often commit more money mistakes than kids .

  12. 另外,应该在公众中逐渐普及正确的金钱观。

    Besides , a positive mental guidance on the right attitude to money should be popularized among the public .

  13. 而人际交往的观念以及对金钱观、成败观的理解则支持了外部的适应,这些都为本民族保持良好的心理健康状态起着重要的作用。

    All these play an important role for the Hui nationality people to keep a good state of psychological health .

  14. 尽管众说纷纭,但所有专家都谈到了将父辈的金钱观传授给子女的重要性。

    Though the theories varied , all the gurus talk of the importance of conveying your money philosophy to your kids .

  15. 大学生的金钱观、消费观、理财观是世界观、人生观、价值观的外在表现。

    Students ' view of money , consumption and finance is the external behavior on the view of the world , life and value .

  16. 你能否成为百万富翁,跟你在日常生活中的金钱观有著密切的关系。

    Becoming a millionaire has less to do with how much you make , it 's how you treat money in your daily life .

  17. 但是,如果你重提“老式的”金钱观和工作观,你就等于赠给了孩于一件宝贵的礼物:自给自足的要诀。

    But if you reinstate old-fashioned values about money and work , you can give your children a precious gift : the key to self-sufficiency .

  18. 不但对你们的关系更好,而且会帮助在孩子的心目中树立了一个正确的金钱观。

    Not only will that be better for your relationship , but it 'll help foster the right kind of attitude about money in your child .

  19. 希望能够为金钱观教育在高中思想政治课教学中的更有效、顺利地实施,提高课堂教学效率另辟径。

    Hope can for the money education in high school thought political lesson teaching more efficient and smooth implementation , improve the efficiency of classroom teaching .

  20. 父母谈论这些感受和看法并建立起一条前后一致的树立子女金钱观的途径对于孩子的健康成长非常重要。

    It is vital for the healthy development of children that parents talk about these feelings and opinions and establish a consistent approach to teaching children about money .

  21. 是什么样的金钱观控制着你对它的态度,这种观念又给你目前的行为和对危机的情绪反应带来了什么样的影响?

    What are the overarching beliefs about money that govern your interactions with it , and how might these be influencing your current behavior and emotional reactions to the crisis ?

  22. 教师薛磊说,并非所有参与测试的学生都受过财务教育。金钱观教育会融入到课堂教学里,教育学生们要有责任感。

    Not all of the students who were tested had received financial education . Money education there is integrated into classes to teach students responsibility , teacher Xue Lei said .

  23. 父母在家庭教育中要重视对子女的消费教育,合理控制子女的消费来源,纠正子女不当的消费行为,帮助子女形成正确地金钱观和消费观;

    Family should pay attention to consumption education for children , control their expenditure reasonably , correct their wrong action and help them to form positive idea of money and consumption .

  24. 明确自己所持的金钱观是第一步,它能让你调整自己的观念,更好地适用当前的经济形势,进而也就能更加客观地对待金钱。

    Awareness of money beliefs is the first step ; it will allow you to modify those beliefs to fit the current situation , and thereby deal with money more objectively .

  25. 在金钱观上,一方面人们看到金钱不是万能的,另一方面,很多人对金钱趋之若鹜,盲目崇拜金钱。

    As for the concept about money , on the one hand , people realize that money is not everything ; on the other hand , many people worship money irrationally .

  26. 本课题的金钱观教育是与高中《经济生活》相结合,在教学过程中有意识地培养学生树立正确的金钱观的教育研究。

    This topic of money education is combined with high school " economic life ", in the teaching process consciously trains the student to set up the correct money education research .

  27. 你要及早对配偶的金钱观有深入,才能在双方意见分歧时找到中庸的解决之道。

    A better understanding early on of how you each see and use money will give you the tools to find a middle ground you 're each happy with when financial discord arises .

  28. 所谓正确的金钱观是指在关于金钱的问题上,主体认识到金钱只是价值的一种象征物,能正确处理金钱和道德的关系,强调健康、科学消费的一种态度和观念。

    In our opinion , a correct concept of money is a kind of attitude and concept that one realizes money is only an emblem and he can deal correctly with the relationship between money and morality with the emphasis on the healthy and scientific way of consuming it .

  29. 就是这个国家向我们提供,金钱价值观以及大若城镇的建筑物。

    This is the country that gave us air conditioning , the value for money ethic and buildings as big as towns .

  30. 第二章通过对等的三个方面的价值观:爱情和家庭观、金钱事业观和宗教信仰,对爱米丽亚和莉贝卡进行比较和对比分析。

    Chapter Two makes a contrastive study of the two characters , Amelia and Rebecca , from their viewpoints on love , family , money , career , and religion .