
  • 网络record range
  1. 人物数据库的收录范围分为人物收录标准和人物信息收录范围。

    The coverage of people data base includes collection standard and coverage of peoples information .

  2. 本文全面介绍它的产生、收录范围、分类原则、评价指标等;

    The article introduced the source , collection scope , classification principle , and evaluation index of CJCR roundly ;

  3. 同时指出选择搜索引擎时应考虑的因素,有收录范围、数据库容量、用户界面、更新周期、响应速度等;

    Indicates some factors covering including range , data base capacity , user interface , update cycle and speed of response which should be considered when choosing search engines ;

  4. 结果显示,《中国生物医学文献数据库》的收录范围和覆盖面更大一些,其他两个数据库也有其优势和特点。

    The result shows that the medical literature coverage of CBM is larger than that of the other two , each of the two databases has its advantages and characteristics .

  5. 同时探讨高校文库建设的部分内容,如文库收录范围、文库类型、物理型文库的开放展示、文库的数字化以及文库的建设者等。

    This paper discusses the construction of college repository in aspects of the collection scope , repository type , demonstration of physical repository , digitalization of repository and the constructor of repository .

  6. 本文运用定量统计方法,从收录范围、报导速度、摘录质量、辅助索引等方面对1988年《情报科学文摘》行分析评价。

    This paper uses quantitative-statistical method to analyse and evaluate " Information Science Abstracts " published in 1988 in terms of coverage , announcement time lag , abstracting quality and auxiliary index etc.

  7. 本文试从五个方面即古籍的收录范围、分类与主题标引、数据格式、著录标准、汉字平台与通用编目软件等技术工具,对近十年我国古籍书目数据库建设研究作一概述。

    This paper summarizes the studies on the Construction of the Bibliographic Databases of Ancient Books in the Last Decade from five aspects : the coverage of " ancient book ", classification and subject indexing , data format , description rules , Chinese character platform and general cataloguing software .

  8. 严可均《全上古三代秦汉三国六朝文》收录诔文范围甚广,片言只语皆予以采人。

    " the whole ancient times , three generations , Qin and Han dynasty , the Three Kingdoms and six dynasty 's articles " edited by Yan Kejun includes Lei Wen in a wide range .

  9. 介绍了国际著名数据库JCR收录的16种影响因子较高的昆虫学科期刊,包括期刊基本情况、出版发行机构信息、期刊影响因子、相关联系方式以及期刊收录论文范围等。

    In this article , the author introduced 16 journals that the internationally famous database JCR , including periodical basic situation , issue organization information , periodical influence factor , relevant contact way and periodical include thesis range , etc.